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Sumif prob with blank cells


I have 2 sheets one is pack and another is brand. I was trying to sum the brand basis brand names in b column and quantity in ge columns from pack sheet to brand sheet. There was issue in blanks cells which is giving wrong numbers. Please help me in this issue




  • Book2.xlsx
    1,009.8 KB · Views: 4
So what's the correct result? Zero?

At any rate, many of blank cells in PACK isn't really a blank, but Zero masked as blank by sheet display setting. This is likely contributing factor.


Without more detail of your issue and what the expected result is, I'm afraid I can't help you.
Now the file has only blanks but still it shows some number 92.10 for GC Column which is fairly blanks


  • Book2.xlsx
    1,010.8 KB · Views: 5
Well... your range seems to be in correct and adding values from total section as well.

From your worksheet setup. I assume you only want to add range between row 13 to 1178. Though you have range up to row 1198.

There are several ways to fix. Two examples below.
1. Change your formula to SUMIFS and check for Column A as well.

2. Nest it in IF.
That's what I did, no? Just copy and paste the formula to each cell with SUMIF formula in your BRAND sheet.