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Sum of quantities on monthly basis


New Member
I have data base of two columns i.e.

Date Pour

21-Sep 422.00

26-Sep 381.00

11-Oct 360.00

17-Oct 414.00

06-Nov 479.00

14-Nov 17.00

I need to sort it in following table:

Monthly Progress Total Pour = 6209.00


Sep-2012 803.00

Oct-2012 774.00

Nov-2012 1059.00

Q: Someone pl help me in making a formula for column B figures. (Figures shown are calculated manually). I have only cpied a very small portion of the table, though it is huge.
Good day vkgupta

You could either turn your data in to a table filter on months and do a sum on pour amounts or better still after you have turned your data into a table turn the table in to a pivot table
table 2 need a formula to give the instant numbers if any changes made in data entry in table 1. Adding a row in table 1 can be possibility for to monthly sum and simply forwarding to table 2. But I would rather prefer a formula.
Hi Guptaji..

If your data is in below format.. and you have converted the area as TABLE..

21-Sep	422
26-Sep	381
11-Oct	360
17-Oct	414
06-Nov	479
14-Nov	17[/pre]

Use below two formula's to get the required information..

In E2


In F2


Both formula needs Ctrl+Shift+Enter for formula confirmation..

Can you please check if attached is acceptable..



is the below is TYPO or it should be..

Nov-2012 1059.00


I have tried like this so far:

Month (Column C) Pour (Column D)

Sept 2012 =sumif(A4:A100,C4,B4:B100)


Column A is the date column in table 1

Column B is the Pour quantity Column in table 1

Column C is MOnth Column in table 2

Column D is Pour Column in table 2

I think the problem with this function is that the function is looking for a set criteria i.e. Sep 2012 which actually excel reads as September 1, 2012 and since column A (Date Column) has other dates then Sep 1, 2012 it results to 0.

So if this function can have an another function which converts the criteria to Month instead of a date then it will surely work.

I am working on your above suggestion and let you know the results..

Tables are dynamic, any data entered in them would be in the pivot table on refresh, in the pivot filter how you want and display sum/average/max/min or any other that you want or need
Pivot table has helped by putting date in row header and pour in pivot values selected for sum and then group date columns to month. But I have to watch if it is getteing updated by itself when new data entry is made.

Thanks for the help dear.
Just checked it has to be refreshed in order to get latest results.

Let me know how can I do an automatic update setting in this Pivot Table.
Forgot to write right TAGS and help Chandoo link
