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Sum if get the value from one column based on the criteria from different columns


Hi There, I am struggling with this, I am looking for a formula to get the Amount based on channels coming from different columns, As in the attached file - I need the sum if formula for getting the amount for each Channel , which is based on the data from Different Columns.


  • Sum If Dynamic.xlsx
    8.6 KB · Views: 7

I am not sure if we can write a simple SUMIF or other formulas to solve this problem. But you can use a pivot table to get similar result. See attached.



  • Sum If Dynamic.xlsx
    13.2 KB · Views: 3
Hi Balaji ,

It is very unlikely that a formula based solution will be faster than a Pivot Table based solution. As your data becomes more and more , the formula based solution will at some stage become so slow that you will not be able to use it.

If you can upload your actual working file , with all of the data , it is possible a VBA based solution can be given.
