• Hi All

    Please note that at the Chandoo.org Forums there is Zero Tolerance to Spam

    Post Spam and you Will Be Deleted as a User


  • When starting a new post, to receive a quicker and more targeted answer, Please include a sample file in the initial post.

suggestion needed from all the ninza's and chandoo

Hi All,

I just had a view, don't know how useful it will be for everyone. Can we have an option of closing an issue.

Let me explain my idea ..

Suppose I have asked a question but once I get a solution which finally helps me . I can close those issue. It will be allowed to be seen with the status close but it will be easy for other people like Ninja as they know they need not worry to answer the question as it closed.

This concept may help where long thread of answers are going.... It may help us to keep track of open issues
Hi, manish.agrawal446@gmail.com!

Reading your posts is not easy as the name you chose at this site is too long and doesn't fit in the space of the screen reserved for it and always overlaps with the text you wrote.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to shorten it at least to enter properly at the left of the comments, and if you want to post your e-mail, you can edit your profile and type it in WebSite text box, so clicking on your name will lead to your mail. Thanks for your consideration.

And about your question... this website doesn't have neither attributes nor functions to operate with closed topics. But, thank you for the suggestion, surely the Key Master have read this.

This has been suggested before

Provided it doesn't stop people from posting followup posts it's a good idea

There have been many follow up posts where the ideas suggested have solved problems from a different direction and resulted in great solutions
@ Manish.. I took the liberty of changing your display name to Manish so that it fits in the column width available. Your email address & user ID remain the same. Just that at display it is changed.

On closing topics, there is a way to close topics. At the bottom of the thread, you can see "Close topic" link. I am not sure if this is only for forum moderators or for topic starters. But closing topics requires a lot of discipline and often new posts are added at bottom with a slight variation to the problem.

You can see a closed topic here for example: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook