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subscript out of range, even though the macro is being run from within the active workbook/sheet

Dear narayan,

I am pasting the code below :

Sub quartersummary()
' quartersummary Macro
' variables
' name of the worksheet, period TY LY, quarters, datarange for ty and ly,shift rows for category, shift cols for country, shift row
'and col for changing quarters

Dim catrow As Integer ' row variable for category
Dim startcol As Integer ' fix start column for this year and last year
Dim shiftcol As Integer 'shift column to change for country
Dim colrange As Integer ' define column for selecting data range
Dim passforQ As Integer 'quarter runs
Dim passforY As Integer 'runs for period
Dim P1, P2 As String  'to set the column to select start and end match periods while offsetting
Dim formulastring As String ' this is the string to define the formula and workaround the character limit
Dim spanstart, spanend As Integer 'to set the span for offsetting

category = Array("insect", "air care", "home cleaning", "auto care", "shoe care") 'array to select category
country = Array("cambodia", "laos", "myanmar", "brunei") 'array to select worksheet for country
fy17 = Array("01jul_fy17", "03sep_fy17", "04oct_fy17", "06dec_fy17", "07jan_fy17", "09mar_fy17", "10apr_fy17", "12jun_fy17") 'array to define the periods to choose from while _
offsetting ty
fy16 = Array("01jul", "03sep", "04oct", "06dec", "07jan", "09mar", "10apr", "12jun") 'array to define the periods to choose from while _
offsetting ly

For passforQ = 3 To 30 Step 9

For passforY = 1 To 2

Select Case passforY

Case Is = 1

startcol = 2
colrange = 47

Case Is = 2

startcol = 7
colrange = 34

End Select

Select Case passforQ And passforY

Case Is = 3 And 1

P1 = fy17(0)
P2 = fy17(1)

Case Is = 12 And 1

P1 = fy17(2)
P2 = fy17(3)

Case Is = 21 And 1

P1 = fy17(4)
P2 = fy17(5)

Case Is = 30 And 1

P1 = fy17(6)
P2 = fy17(7)

Case Is = 3 And 2

P1 = fy16(0)
P2 = fy16(1)

Case Is = 12 And 2

P1 = fy16(2)
P2 = fy16(3)

Case Is = 21 And 2

P1 = fy16(4)
P2 = fy16(5)

Case Is = 30 And 2

P1 = fy16(6)
P2 = fy16(7)

End Select

For shiftcol = startcol To startcol + 3

Select Case shiftcol

Case Is = startcol

country = country(0)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 119

Case Is = startcol + 1

country = country(1)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 136

Case Is = startcol + 2

country = country(2)
spanstart = 3
spanend = 156

Case Is = startcol + 3

country = country(3)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 262

End Select

For catrow = 3 To 7

formulastring = "=sum(offset(" & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanend & "c" _
& colrange + 11 & ",0,(match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & _
colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-1)" & "," & (spanend - spanstart + 1) & _
",(match(" & """" & P2 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" _
& spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & _
spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)+1))*(" & "'" & country & "'!" _
& "r" & spanstart & "c3:r" & spanend & "c3=""" & category(catrow - 3) & """))/1000/36.11"

With Sheets("category summary by quarter").Cells(catrow, startcol)

.FormulaArray = formulastring

End With

Next catrow

Next shiftcol

Next passforY

Next passforQ

End Sub
hey narayan - i have modified the code slightly below to correct some of the looping errors in the earlier code I shared, as it was writing over and over again the same country. This is now taken care of.

what is the continuing nagging problem though is that the "catrow" variable should change with the change in quarter value ("passforq"). with change in passforq, it should pick up new values for "p1" and "p2" from the arrays. This is happening for the 1st pass and when the passforq is supposed to go to the next loop, its value is changing, P1, p2 values are also changing, country is changing as it should, but when it comes to executing the formulastring, its throwing error 9 ("subscript out of range"); at the formula string, it should change the "country" variable to its latest value, but it is continuing to be at the last value from the last loop hence the range for data not matching the country name (in this case the formula should pick up the data range from cambodia, instead, its still in brunei but brunei does not have that data range)

secondly, for the variable fx - its rounding off to 36/33 instead of 36.11 and 33.4, thus giving small differences in value from the worksheets. Is there a way to specify the decimal places while naming the variable or inside the formula?

Sub quartersummary()
' quartersummary Macro
' variables
' name of the worksheet, period TY LY, quarters, datarange for ty and ly,shift rows for category, shift cols for country, shift row
'and col for changing quarters

Dim catrow As Integer ' row variable for category
Dim startcol As Integer ' fix start column for this year and last year
Dim shiftcol As Integer 'shift column to change for country
Dim colrange As Integer ' define column for selecting data range
Dim passforQ As Integer 'quarter runs
Dim passforY As Integer 'runs for period
Dim P1, P2, country As String  'to set the column to select start and end match periods while offsetting
Dim formulastring As String ' this is the string to define the formula and workaround the character limit
Dim spanstart, spanend As Integer 'to set the span for offsetting
Dim fx As Integer 'variable to set the fx rate for fy17 and fy16

category = Array("insect", "air care", "cleaner", "auto care", "shoe care") 'array to select category
selcountry = Array("cambodia", "laos", "myanmar", "brunei") 'array to select worksheet for country
fy17 = Array("01jul_fy17", "03sep_fy17", "04oct_fy17", "06dec_fy17", "07jan_fy17", "09mar_fy17", "10apr_fy17", "12jun_fy17") 'array to define the periods to choose from while _
offsetting ty
fy16 = Array("01jul", "03sep", "04oct", "06dec", "07jan", "09mar", "10apr", "12jun") 'array to define the periods to choose from while _
offsetting ly

For passforQ = 3 To 30 Step 9

For passforY = 1 To 2

Select Case passforY

Case Is = 1

startcol = 2
colrange = 47
fx = 36.11

Case Is = 2

startcol = 7
colrange = 34
fx = 33.4

End Select

Select Case passforQ And passforY

Case Is = 3, 1

P1 = fy17(0)
P2 = fy17(1)

Case Is = 12, 1

P1 = fy17(2)
P2 = fy17(3)

Case Is = 21, 1

P1 = fy17(4)
P2 = fy17(5)

Case Is = 30, 1

P1 = fy17(6)
P2 = fy17(7)

Case Is = 3, 2

P1 = fy16(0)
P2 = fy16(1)

Case Is = 12, 2

P1 = fy16(2)
P2 = fy16(3)

Case Is = 21, 2

P1 = fy16(4)
P2 = fy16(5)

Case Is = 30, 2

P1 = fy16(6)
P2 = fy16(7)

End Select

For shiftcol = startcol To startcol + 3

Select Case shiftcol

Case Is = 2, 7

country = selcountry(0)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 119

Case Is = 3, 8

country = selcountry(1)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 136

Case Is = 4, 9

country = selcountry(2)
spanstart = 3
spanend = 156

Case Is = 5, 10

country = selcountry(3)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 262

End Select

For catrow = passforQ To passforQ + 4

If country <> "brunei" Then

formulastring = "=sum(offset(" & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanend & "c" _
& colrange + 11 & ",0,(match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & _
colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-1)" & "," & (spanend - spanstart + 1) & _
",(match(" & """" & P2 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" _
& spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & _
spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)+1))*(" & "'" & country & "'!" _
& "r" & spanstart & "c3:r" & spanend & "c3=""" & category(catrow - 3) & """))/1000/" & fx & ""


formulastring = "=sum(offset(" & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanend & "c" _
& colrange + 11 & ",0,(match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & _
colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-1)" & "," & (spanend - spanstart + 1) & _
",(match(" & """" & P2 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" _
& spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & _
spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)+1))*(" & "'" & country & "'!" _
& "r" & spanstart & "c3:r" & spanend & "c3=""" & category(catrow - 3) & """))/1000"

End If

With Sheets("category summary by quarter").Cells(catrow, shiftcol)

.FormulaArray = formulastring

End With

Next catrow

Next shiftcol

Next passforY

Next passforQ

End Sub
Hi ,

The problem was that catrow was taking values beyond the bounds of the Category array !

Change the following lines of code instead of the existing code :
Sub quartersummary()
' quartersummary Macro
' variables
' name of the worksheet, period TY LY, quarters, datarange for ty and ly,shift rows for category, shift cols for country, shift row
'and col for changing quarters

Dim catrow As Integer ' row variable for category
Dim startcol As Integer ' fix start column for this year and last year
Dim shiftcol As Integer 'shift column to change for country
Dim colrange As Integer ' define column for selecting data range
Dim passforQ As Integer 'quarter runs
Dim passforY As Integer 'runs for period
Dim P1, P2, country As String  'to set the column to select start and end match periods while offsetting
Dim formulastring As String ' this is the string to define the formula and workaround the character limit
Dim spanstart, spanend As Integer 'to set the span for offsetting
Dim fx As Integer 'variable to set the fx rate for fy17 and fy16

Category = Array("insect", "air care", "cleaner", "auto care", "shoe care") 'array to select category
selcountry = Array("cambodia", "laos", "myanmar", "brunei") 'array to select worksheet for country
fy17 = Array("01jul_fy17", "03sep_fy17", "04oct_fy17", "06dec_fy17", "07jan_fy17", "09mar_fy17", "10apr_fy17", "12jun_fy17") 'array to define the periods to choose from while _
offsetting ty
fy16 = Array("01jul", "03sep", "04oct", "06dec", "07jan", "09mar", "10apr", "12jun") 'array to define the periods to choose from while _
offsetting ly

For passforQ = 3 To 30 Step 9

For passforY = 1 To 2

Select Case passforY

Case Is = 1

startcol = 2
colrange = 47
fx = 36.11

Case Is = 2

startcol = 7
colrange = 34
fx = 33.4

End Select

Select Case passforQ + passforY

Case Is = 4

P1 = fy17(0)
P2 = fy17(1)

Case Is = 13

P1 = fy17(2)
P2 = fy17(3)

Case Is = 22

P1 = fy17(4)
P2 = fy17(5)

Case Is = 31

P1 = fy17(6)
P2 = fy17(7)

Case Is = 5

P1 = fy16(0)
P2 = fy16(1)

Case Is = 14

P1 = fy16(2)
P2 = fy16(3)

Case Is = 23

P1 = fy16(4)
P2 = fy16(5)

Case Is = 32

P1 = fy16(6)
P2 = fy16(7)

End Select

For shiftcol = startcol To startcol + 3

Select Case shiftcol

Case Is = 2, 7

country = selcountry(0)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 119

Case Is = 3, 8

country = selcountry(1)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 136

Case Is = 4, 9

country = selcountry(2)
spanstart = 3
spanend = 156

Case Is = 5, 10

country = selcountry(3)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 262

End Select

For catrow = passforQ To passforQ + 4

rowval = catrow Mod 9

If country <> "brunei" Then

formulastring = "=sum(offset(" & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanend & "c" _
& colrange + 11 & ",0,(match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & _
colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-1)" & "," & (spanend - spanstart + 1) & _
",(match(" & """" & P2 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" _
& spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & _
spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)+1))*(" & "'" & country & "'!" _
& "r" & spanstart & "c3:r" & spanend & "c3=""" & Category(rowval - 3) & """))/1000/" & fx & ""


formulastring = "=sum(offset(" & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanend & "c" _
& colrange + 11 & ",0,(match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & _
colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-1)" & "," & (spanend - spanstart + 1) & _
",(match(" & """" & P2 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" _
& spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)-match(" & """" & P1 & """" & "," & "'" & country & "'!" & "r" & _
spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange & ":r" & spanstart - 1 & "c" & colrange + 11 & ",0)+1))*(" & "'" & country & "'!" _
& "r" & spanstart & "c3:r" & spanend & "c3=""" & Category(rowval - 3) & """))/1000"

End If

With Sheets("category summary by quarter").Cells(catrow, shiftcol)

.FormulaArray = formulastring

End With

Next catrow

Next shiftcol

Next passforY

Next passforQ

End Sub
narayan - apologies for the late reply. It works fine now. thanks a bunch.

I now have another problem - when I am trying to run the same macro in a different workbook (and only that workbook is open and active while running the macro), it gives error 9, at the part where I am referencing the worksheet.

I know this must be happening because its not able to find the referenced worksheet in the workbook, but not able to figure out why! can u help?

Sub categorysummary()
' categorysummary Macro
' variables
' name of the worksheet, period TY , months, datarange for ty ,shift rows for category, shift cols for country, shift row
'and col for changing months

Dim passforC As Integer 'looping for countries
Dim catrow As Integer ' row variable for category
Dim shiftcol As Integer 'shift column to change for country
Dim spanstart, spanend As Integer 'to set the span for offsetting
Dim p1, country, category As String 'P1 matches the month in the array; country and category are string variables _
which will take their values from the respective arrays
Dim fx As Integer

selcategory = Array("insect", "air care", "cleaner", "automotive care", "shoe care") 'array to select category
selcountry = Array("cambodia THB", "laos THB", "myanmar THB", "brunei USD") 'array to select worksheet for country
fy17 = Array("01jul_fy17", "02aug_fy17", "03sep_fy17", "04oct_fy17", "05nov_fy17", "06dec_fy17", _
"07jan_fy17", "08feb_fy17", "09mar_fy17", "10apr_fy17", "11may_fy17", "12jun_fy17")


For passforC = 2 To 26 Step 8

Select Case passforC

Case Is = 2

country = selcountry(0)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 125
fx = 36.11

Case Is = 10

country = selcountry(1)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 146
fx = 36.11

Case Is = 18

country = selcountry(2)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 157
fx = 36.11

Case Is = 26

country = selcountry(3)
spanstart = 4
spanend = 250
fx = 1

End Select

For shiftcol = 2 To 13

p1 = fy17(shiftcol - 2)

For catrow = passforC To passforC + 4

Select Case catrow

Case 2, 10, 18, 26

category = selcategory(0)

Case 3, 11, 19, 27

category = selcategory(1)

Case 4, 12, 20, 28

category = selcategory(2)

Case 5, 13, 21, 29

category = selcategory(3)

Case 6, 14, 22, 30

category = selcategory(4)

End Select

Sheets("fy summary category").Cells(catrow, shiftcol).Select

ActiveCell.FormulaArray = "=+SUM(('" & country & "'!R" & spanstart & "C47:R" & spanend & _
"C58)*('" & country & "'!R" & spanstart & "C3:R" & spanend & "C3=""" & category & _
""")*('" & country & "'!R3C47:R3C58=" & """" & p1 & """" & ")/1000/" & fx & ")"

Next catrow

Next shiftcol

Next passforC

End Sub
