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Spliting textbox in 3 parts


Well-Known Member
I have a textbox with 3 Caracters (always 3)in a userform, I want to split this textbox in 3
TextBox1 = ABC
Then the result must be
Textbox2 = A (I have =Left(Textbox1, 1)
Textbox3 = B ?????
Textbox4 = C (I have =Right( Textbox1, 1)
I don't know how to fill TextBox3
(the textboxes are on a userform)
Thanks in advance
if there is always 3 characters in TB1

TB3 =Mid(Textbox1,2,1)

if there is more than 3 characters in TB1

TB3 =Mid(Textbox1,Len(Textbox2)+1,Len(Textbox1)-Len(Textbox4)-Len(Textbox2))