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Special formating


New Member
Dear All,

In advance, sorry for my poor English and my not so perfect knowledge about Excel.

I try to do my best to describe my problem.

I have an excel sheet in Excel2007.

There is to columns C and D.

I have to reach that, if somebody write something into C2 than no possible to write into D2 (it has to be empty) and if somebody write something into D2 at firs, than no possible to write in C2 (this has to be empty in this case)

I can not use any VB process.

Do you have any solution for this?

Thank you in advance!
Data validation my friend.

In cell c1 use DV with formula =isblank(D1)

in cell D1 us DV with formula =isblank(C1)

Fill down

Also add a custom error message as the default one is rubbish.
Hi All,

In the same way (no VBA), is it possible to have vice versa, that is if they enter in C2, then they must fill D2?


Prasad DN