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Dear All,

I have an urgent query as has been given below:-

There are 5 columns in excel and I need to place the records of 4 columns respectively are Print Date, Letter Type, Producer Id, and Issue Date these depend on the unique Vendor Number in horizontal. I have also given blank filed to place these records there. In a first record, I have consolidated the three rows records in to a single row into related fields. In a first record there is a Vendor Number – 60001197 and I consolidated the records of three records respectively related to columns Letter type, Producer Id, Issue Date and Print Date.

For better understanding, kindly see the attached file.


  • doubt.xlsx
    11.2 KB · Views: 10
Hi, Ravindra!

There're no urgent queries, just queries. I assume that with 25 posts you've already gone thru what follows;
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I just want all the records to be placed as vertical wise. I will really appreciate your any kind of help in this concern.
Hi Ravindra,

Please see attached file. I used a helper column and (for now) every 'vendor nr.' occurence will give the same result. Let us know if this is acceptable :))


  • doubt.xlsx
    49.4 KB · Views: 1
Here is a little modification. See attached file.


  • doubt.xlsx
    54.2 KB · Views: 5