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Sorting TO-DO list according to its importance and urgency


Dear Excel gurus,

A TODO list is smth that I have been using for quite some time both for my personal and business life.

In my TODO lists I don't rank TODOs as "high" "medium" or "low" but instead sort them all. Meaning if there is 15 things to do in my TODO list depending on the importance and urgency I rank them all from 1 to 15.

As I finish a task in the list I remove it and re-rank them all.



1 Brush your teeth

2 Wash your face

3 Dress up

4 Wear your shoes

Say you have dressed up that means TODO in sorting 3 is done so I remove it from the list and re-sort the list as follow:


1 Brush your teeth

2 Wash your face

3 Wear your shoes

"Wear you shoes" is now sort 3.

Lets say you have realized that Between brushing your teeth and washing your face, flossing is also important so I add flossing in rank two.


1 Brush your teeth

2 Floss

3 Wash your face

4 Wear your shoes

But when I do that I again have to manually change the sorting for "wash your face" to 3 and "wear you shoes" to 4.

Now my question is: Is there a way that I can set table where when ever I erase a task it automatically ranks the TODOs or add a new TODO in between with a new rank, it automatically corrects the TODOs rankings that comes afterwards.

Kind regards.

I think I'm a little confused as to how you maintain your list. Since only you are able to determine what the importance of a task will be, and this is the only factor needed to create the list, there's no work left for XL to do.

For instance, let's say you start with just a list of numbers

You then populate it with tasks for each one. When a task is done, select that cell and hit Ctrl and the - key. Shift cells up. Task has been removed, and all subsequent tasks attain new rank number. Conversely, if you need to add a task, select where it needs to go, hit Ctrl and the + key, and shift cells down. Type new task. All subsequent tasks have now moved to a lower task number.

If you are using some othe rmethodology for inputting what your tasks are, could you explain further? I'm probably just not visualizing correctly.
Dear Luke,

Thank you for your kind reply.

Especially my TODO list for work consist over 30 tasks. Some with high importance some with low.

During the day I also get new assingments which may be urgent or not. Depending on the urgency of pending issues I place them in my TODO list where I believe it suits. But when I do that I have to manually chnage all of the following TODO rank(number) manually.

Or vice versa; when I complete a task from the list and erase it, again manually have to re-order the list.

This list basically tells me what to do in what order. Task number 1 is usually the most important task and needs to be done asap however sometimes these tasks require additional information from different parties which delay them. During those waiting periods I move on to next task number 2, if I can complete it, I erase it from the list and task number 3 becomes number 2. But now all of the list has to be resorted as number 4 has to be marked as 3, and so forth.

I tried to write some "if" formulas but when ever a line is erased or added the formulas generate error? Plus a line may be erased or added anywhere with in the list. For instance a new task such as "clean your desk" can be task number 24.
How exactly are you adding/removing items from the list? Do you have a master list somewhere of all tasks and you mark ones that you need to get done, thus providing a baseline for what importance to do, or do you assign (mentally at least) as you go.

Going back to my first idea, lets say your list is this:

1 Brush your teeth
2 Wash your face
3 Dress up
4 Wear your shoes
With the list being in A2:B5. If you complete "dress up", select cell B4 and use the Ctrl + "-" command to delete that cell, and shift up. This will cause the list to become.

[pre][code]1 Brush your teeth
2 Wash your face
3 Wear your shoes
Now, let's say you need to add a task at number 2. Select cell B3 and hit Ctrl + "+" which will cause cells to shift down like so:

1 Brush your teeth
3 Wash your face
4 Wear your shoes[/code][/pre]
And you can type what you want into the #2 spot. Does this make more sense? I guess my point is, you're already doing the work mentally to put things in order. Just need a better way to manipulate the cells as you work.
Dear Luke,

OK I see what you mean.

CTLR + "+" and "-" did it.

Thank you very much.

Kind regards.

You're very welcome AK. Hope my response didn't sound curt, I was just trying to "keep it simple". =)
Just wondering how the numbers will change on their own, cos when I delete a row by pressing ctrl + "-" the numbers do not follow a chronological order, the deleted row is skipped.
Hi Ashish,

Don't delete an entire row, just the cell. As shown in my example by just inserting/deleting a single cell, the tasks will move down/up in relation to the numbers.