If you see closely, you will find that sorting nos by their first digit results in nos being arranged in ascending order!! Is't it that or i have misunderstood your question?
Maybe my header should read ‘Sorting By Accumulated Digit Value’.
I have a list of 124 numbers from 10 to 1240. I wish to use excel to load information into another program which sorts by adding the value of each digit. So 10, 100, 1000 have the same value. 10 has fewer digits (2) so is at the top of the list. Next are 1010,110, zero preceeds one, then 1100. It's unusual!
Thinking out aloud....I wonder whether there is a way to arrange my data to suit the sort order of the other program. Copy the sort order into excel, paste my info alongside and then sort to match. Mark
Why is this so hard. I have a column of numbers and mixed numbers with letters. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, sort this properly.
I have tried the text function with no success. I tried =text(a1,"@") and =text(a1,"#". I then copy the results and paste special values to sort, and they still sort out of order. Sample data below.