Restaurant ID | City | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June |
1200333 | Chicago | 18225 | 15184 | 98984 | 1500 | 71111 | 7889 |
1200352 | New York | 15184 | 15845 | 41545 | 1622 | 15151 | 15184 |
1200669 | Seattle | 15845 | 11112 | 15184 | 15184 | 78787 | 15845 |
1200888 | Washington | 11112 | 15455 | 15845 | 15845 | 10000 | 11112 |
1200989 | Kansas City | 15455 | 15454 | 11112 | 11112 | 20000 | 10000 |
1200444 | San Jose | 15454 | 18498 | 15455 | 15184 | 18498 | 20000 |
1200358 | Dallas | 78888 | 48211 | 15454 | 15845 | 48211 | 15000 |
1200289 | Miami | 48211 | 16595 | 18498 | 11112 | 16595 | 15151 |
1200739 | New Orleans | 16595 | 15487 | 48211 | 78787 | 45484 | 44544 |
1200498 | Phoenix | 15487 | 56451 | 16595 | 15487 | 15184 | 1515 |
1200789 | Madison | 56451 | 78451 | 15487 | 87844 | 15845 | 5655 |
1200432 | Jersey City | 12121 | 14414 | 56451 | 89894 | 11112 | 8985 |
2. Arrange the data above in excel in an ascending and descending order for each city.
This is one of the activites I have to do in my project as part of my studies. Can anyone guide on this, how to do it based on "each city"?
Appreciate your guidance.
Thank you,