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Solving DAX Measures (Multiple Values was Supplied where Single Value was expected)


New Member
Hello All,

I'm currently new to Power BI and DAX Measures. This tool helps a lot in bringing my dashboards to next level and ease up my workloads. However, there is one slight issue, here is my data set and measures that I've created in order to find out store target and achievements based on each respective sales baselines per Item Products (SKU) (Attached).
The programs ran smoothly, however, sometimes the users wants to know combined targets and achievements for each stores, and when they tried to select multiple SKU Options, it shows this:
This is my DAX Formula for Monthly Target Calculation:

I feel like there is an additional filter needed in order to solve this error but I don't know how. Could please anyone have an idea how to solve this?

Thank youu and Much Appreciated.



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Well, the issue is you are using comparison operation that expects single value, but using function that returns list of items.
i.e. ALLSELECTED(). This returns list when more than 1 item is selected in your SKU.

Personally, I'd just create relationship between your two tables using [Target SKU] as key column.

Then there is no need to create filter context calculation. Data is automatically filtered by slicer on both side of the relationship.