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Slicer Q


New Member
I have a worksheet with many slicers and everything appears to work just fine, until...I try to drilldown on the total value for any record - I get all of the records for that ID - why is this as I ony want the number actions listed in the total cell, not ALL o fthe actions for that person? FYI that I'm using a connection to get the data from Access.

...can you upload a sample file for someone to look at.... it will solely depend on how your data is organized.
Thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately, I can't due to the nature of the material. Now on a regular Pivot Table without use of slicers gives one the exact numebr of records, however, when using slicers, and one selects a specific date, for example, more records are returned than are assinged to that date on the slicer (the total value syas 10, for example but many more records are shown in the drilldown worksheet from other dates).
