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shortcut to toggle between function argument dialogue box and formula bar

dear all,
is there any shortcut to toggle between function argument dialogue box and formula bar withou the use of mouse

thanx and rgds
Shift+F3 will bring up te Insert Function dialogue. When on a cell, hitting F2 will bring you into the formula bar.
dear luke and somendra,
actually i want to write a nested formula using function argument dialogue box. So i need to toggle between the dialogue box and formula bar without using the mouse for saving time.
getting into formula bar helps because it can open the new function argument dialogue box.
I hope i am able to make myself clear.

To do with all keyboard, would be type "=", then Shift+F3, find function, open function dialogue, Enter (close dialogue), hit F2 to go to Formula bar, hit Shift+f3 to go back into function dialogue...

Really, I don't see your point of it being easier in the function argument box. It's still 1 keystroke (hitting Tab vs hitting comma/semicolon between arguments.
dear luke,
I guess i have not been able to make myself clear.

say in cell A19, i have 2x63 and i want to write a formula to extract 63 (numbers after x) from it.
the formula i am writing is =RIGHT(A19,LEN(A19)-SEARCH("x",A19)).

Just want to know what will be the best way to write it . (I think using function argument dialogue box makes it easier to write all this)

Select cell. Type =RIGHT
Hit Shift+F3. Change dropdown to ALL, tab, starting typing "Right". Enter. In first block, type A19. Tab to second block. Type LEN()-SEARCH(). Press Enter. You'll get an error, press enter again. Now you're in formula bar, inside LEN. Press Shift+F3, type A19, press Enter. Again, error appears, so press enter. Now in formula bar, inside SEARCH. Press Shift+F3, type "x" into first box, tab, type a19 into second box. Hit Enter, and you're down.

Could you elaborate on why you think this is easier (faster/more intuitive/etc)?
Just to add what @Luke M suggested, you must have noticed that when you type a formula Excel displays screen tip, which keep informing you what you should enter and also what are the compulsory and optional arguments in the function. It also informs you which argument are you currently typing by making it bold.


I guess.. you are talking about this video..

BTW.. Mr.. Excel also using mouse..
Suggestion.. Its good to make things simple.. but don't try to make it simpler..