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shortcut to insert rows


To insert a column: CTRL + SPACEBAR and then CTRL + +(on the keypad)

To insert a row: SHIFT+ SPACEBAR and then CTRL + +(on the keypad)
GCExcel has said it all anyways

You could also use ctrl+shift+= once you have selected an entire row. If you dont have a/the row selected, you get a dialog box asking you how you want the row to be inserted but with a row selected, the shortcut inserts a row above it. It also works for columns too.

Summary: shift+spacebar - (selects the entire row)

ctrl+shift+= (inserts a new row)
I can't remember all the shortcuts. so my personal preference is hi-lighting a column/row and do a right click.
FYI, the shortcut to delete column/row/cell is the same, but use a "-" instead of a "+" symbol.