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Setting up a check box


New Member
I would like to have a check box in Col D , which is in the column next to the account numbers to ensure that all the account numbers have been mapped i.e being taken into account. A trial balance is imported into my management accounts workbook each month and if any new account numbers have been added, I will be able to pick this up immediately by having a check box to see if there are any new account numbers

Your assistance in resolving this is most appreciated

Any chance of posting a sample file so we can see the layout required?

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Hi Hui

Thanks for the reply. I have posted a sample of the workbook on dropbox. Your assistance is helping me set up a checkbox will be most appreciated



Hi Hui

Have you managed to have a look at my reply regarding setting up a check box? You assistance in this regard is most appreciated
Hi, Howardc!

In your uploaded file there is only data in columns B and D (for row 1, 3,000 and -145,070 respectively. Would you please elaborate a bit more and upload an updated sample file with output examples set manually?

Hi, SirJB7

I have uploaded a new workbook in drop box

1) I would like a check box in Col A

2) If an item is checked, then Col B must state "Account mapped" , if unchecked "New Account"

Your assistance in resolving this would be most appreciated

Hi, Howardc!

Give a look at this file:


It makes use of the Worksheet change event to keep updated the list of check boxes in column A. Column D is added just for testing purposes. When adding new rows, copy cell any A column cell to the newly added range and paste it in proper A cells.


Hi SirJB7

Thanks for the help much appreciated. If new data is imported into column C , will it still work?

In the live data, the existing account numbers are in Col E and the imported account numbers are in col EP. I wanted a way of ensuring that if I checked the col containing imported data, each time data is imported , I would be able to determine which items are new i.e unmapped. I would then allocate/map these and the select the check box
Hi, Howardc!

The VBA code for sheet Sheet1 is prepared to react and act according to sample sheet design.

You can change active column by setting ksColumn constant to proper value (this only affects the True/False values, and play with the kiTop, kiLeft, kiHeight, kiWidth values for placing check boxes properly.

Hi, Howardc!

If you happen to fail while adapting it to your live data, consider uploading the real file if no sensitive data issues, or at least a sample file with same workbook and worksheets structure.
