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Sequencial order

Greetings everyone

I have one excel table which, for every country in column "Country", the column "Number" supposedly gives me a sequential number, by a countif formula

The thing is that, if i add (in "Country") the same country as the previous one, the formula repeats the number.

I cant explain it better., sorry

In the attached file, i've placed the table twice. The second has the error (cell H21 and H22) that i can't solve...

Can you help me please?

Hope its clear the explanation...Anything just ask

Thanks in advance


  • Example Chandoo.xlsx
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In your file there is an in-consistency in the formulas.

Formula in G21 reads

Where as it should be

Once you change it, the result appears correctly.

You can do this by selecting the formula cell G7 and filling it down once again.
Do you want auto sequence in a range then use this!!

Sub AASerialincolumnA()
Dim crfill As Long, wst As Worksheet

Set wst = ActiveSheet
crfill = wst.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row' Helper column to serial in col A

    With wst.Range("A2:A" & crfill)'change the range as needed
    .Cells(1, 1).Value = 1
    .DataSeries Rowcol:=xlColumns, Type:=xlLinear, step:=1, Trend:=False
    End With
End Sub

Indeed i've noticed that inconsistency. I have a macro that, after some procedures, will select G7 and fill down.

The thing is that instead of running this macro (i've created it just for this error), i need to have these "Num" corrects, because they have impact in other sheets.

If there's no option, i'll still run it - its not the fastest procedure, but the one's available :)

Many thanks for the Help.


Thanks for the command. i think i'll needed it later.
@Cellardoor Now I understand what you mean. This seems like a feature / bug with tables.

You can use worksheet_change event to update the formulas everytime someone adds data. This could prevent the mistake. There may be another way to automatically handle this, but I cant think of any right now.
Hi ,

I am not able to understand your problem other than the fact that the file has an error ; are you saying that this problem happens every now and then ?

I tried adding many more rows to both tables , and the problem never recurred.

There should be no need for any macro , since the formula keeps getting copied to every new row that is added.
