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separating out data


New Member

I am looking to separate out data provided on a spreadsheet. The location code is currently given in one column, but the data and date are both provided in the same column. Is there a way to separate out these two things? Most of the time there is a row space between the two types of data, but sometimes there is not. My ultimate goal is to have location, date, data all in separate rows w/o any unnecessary empty cells.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

If this is going to be a one-off job, I would do the following

I would add 4 helper columns with formula to retrieve the data from the columns to the left (Yellow)

Then add a column to count the data (Orange)

Then copy/paste the helper columns as text

Then sort the data to get the count data = 3 (the 3 columns have values)

Refer your data with above comments here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cx76hfs7ugpx7bw/test123.xlsx

If you are going to be doing that regularly I'd write a script in VBA, but probably tackle the problem from a different angle
Hi, brendaj!

Give a look at this file:


It uses too 4 helper columns.
