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separating a text column into three


I had to do a project today that went along the same lines you solved - Thanks a ton!!

However I seem to get the wrong result when entering this text "300-150 CC F 3 5-5 6 AX-S DV GR ED HI-RES BULB SEARCH BY LEGEND OR ITEM" - it cuts off after the word "or".

Can you help me? It looks like it always is deleting the last word.



From chandoo's website to the FBI most wanted it seems to be a short step. You're a trending topic today :)

Hi Yomoko ,

My mistake. We need to force an extra space at the end of the text string , by concatenation.

Try this :

=MAX(((IFERROR(SEARCH(" ",$A$1&" ",ROW(INDIRECT(B5&":"&LEN($A$1&" ")))),999)<30+B5)*(ROW(INDIRECT(B5&":"&LEN($A$1&" "))))))

The addresses will change depending on where you put this formula ; in B4 , I start with 1 ; this formula is in B5 ; copy it downwards.


Tanks for your help. However, I am getting a circular reference error. Can you please upload a sample file? It would be greatly appreciated!
