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separate time in 2 shifts

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Peter, what a result!, you say its not pretty, but I say pretty smart. Now that I see the formula in practice I can pull it apart at my own pace to learn what is going on. Thanks to all the community for help with this one.

As a footnote, I'm pretty surprised by the lack of examples out there on this time sheet problem as its now becoming a pretty standard method of working in the UK, although for the most part the shifts wont be quite so long. For anyone thinking I'm running a business with unacceptable working times, I should add that these examples are for standby time only where people are available to work and not actually doing anything.
Once again Thanks to all!
You might like to look at the attached 'demo' workbook.

I am not suggesting you adopt the programming style (to the best of my knowledge no one else on this forum works the way I do). Despite that, you may find some ideas that you could use or that might clarify some of the features you already have in your workbook.

General discussion. I suspect that the methods I use take several times as long to develop than traditional 'click and pray' workbooks based upon the spreadsheet defaults of direct (single-cell, relative) references. That might raise the spectre of lost productivity!
On the other hand, the number of hours spent developing formulas can finish up as an almost insignificant part of the overall time spent checking, error tracking, debugging, maintaining, documenting, and enhancing functionality. There is some element of 'invest to save'.


  • Shift calculation.xlsx
    17.5 KB · Views: 23
Dear all,

I am so happy I found this post, as I am seeking for a similar solution.
Is it possible to adjust your solutions to a 3-shift model? I am not able to adjust the median formula accordingly to get the results...
Thanks a lot in advance!

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this is closed now.
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