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selecting time period


Hello all

I am trying to workout how to select lines of data where the time period covers between two time periods 2300hrs and 0600hrs. I have 4 columns with many lines of data but have possted 2 example lines as follows:- both include part of the period I want to capture!









I'm sure it's probably easy for you Excel whizzkids :) but sadly not for me.....

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Can you post a file with notes to explain and show us what your trying to achieve?

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Hi Ella ,

Can you work it out from this ?

1. Set up a few helper columns as follows :

In column E , use the following formula to get a composite date-time :


Select the date format which shows both date and time.

In column F , use the following formula :


Now both your original sets of data have been combined into a format which is easier for comparison purposes.

In column G , use the following formula :


where G1 contains 23:00 , and G2 contains 06:00.

What this does is generate the lower date-time limit.

In column H , use the following formula :


This generates the upper date-time limit.

Now you can use an IF statement to see whether the date-times in E and F are between or outside the limits in G and H.


I don't think you can simply divide by 2400. It works for whole hours, but not for minutes. E.g. 2230 / 2400 = 10:18 PM


Lengthy, but single formula answer:



"Do not overlap","Overlap")

Follows the idea from here:


but we have to check for 2 overlaps; the morning of first day and the evening of first day. The other thing adding to length is handling the time format.
Wow! That is absolutely amazing! Thanks so much I am blown away by your expert knowledge... I'm gonna try to understand how this works so I can learn from you guys...

Glad we could help. Feel free to ask any questions as to how/why it works. =)
I am attempting to break the formula down and understand it bit by bit, so it may take a while for me to come back to you :))
