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selecting multiple values in a combobox using userform


It's me again needing your expertise..

I have Userform28 with different comboboxes. Among these comboboxes, I only want one (ComboBox7) to select multiple values from. ComboBox7 should comprise MK1, MK2, CB1, MN1, MD1, UP1. Can you help me do the script please?
Hi Lymm,

I considered Chihiro's advise to use ListBox instead of ComboBox. Next, I tried to look for codes to satisfy my requirements but they don't seem to work :(

Can you help me with the codes to do the following please:

1. ListBox1 should be one of the required fields upon clicking CommandButton3.
2. Values chosen from ListBox1 (after clicking CommandButton1) should be transferred to Dbase worksheet column O (Site).

I attached my file. I hope you'll find everything in order.

Appreciate any help that can be extended.



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