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search multiple criteria from one file, find/match in another file

I went back and recopied your original solution, before I began "experimenting" on it. It still works perfectly.

One minor problem I am having is trying to make the name of the worksheet be the info that is updated in column L. It keeps giving me Sheet1, instead. That is not a real problem, because Search/Replace fixes everything.

Thank you for your continuing interest and assistance.
If you have the line:
Set SceSht = SceWb.Sheets("ksB") 'THIS is the name of an individual sheet
then later the line:
If cll.Value = "" Then cll.Value = SceSht.Name Else cll.Value = cll.Value & " " & SceSht.Name
will show 'ksB' in the cell, that is the same as the name in the first line.

If you intend to loop and there will be different sheet names then I need to know whether there are multiple sheets with playlists in one workbook or just one sheet/playlist per workbook, or perhaps a combination of the two. It would be easier if there were only playlists (and perhaps blank sheets) in a given workbook.
I fixed it with something similar to what you suggest.

Everything is working perfectly.

Thank you for your kindness, expertise, interest, and assistance.