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Can some help me with code for this
a. Each product has a minimum and maximum qty
b. demand for each varies.
c. Code required to schedule the maximum of each provide total demand is higher than the max.
d. Move to the next product and repeat
e. after all products are run once, repeat steps c & d to finish the balance demand
f. when final iteration qtys are less than the minimum run qty then run the minimum.
Product; Demand; Minimum in each run; Maximum in Each run; Runs
A 300 70 90 3.333333
B 200 70 90 2.222222
C 20 50 90 0.222222

OUtput needed.
Expected Output Run
A 90
B 90
C 50
A 90
B 90
C 0
A 90
B 70
C 0
A 70
B 0
C 0
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Hi SM,

thanks for your help. very helpful indeed. Can you please fine tune the code in the example for a case like Product C. In this case the "next run qty is less than the max but more than the minimum. in this case it must schedule the full balance.

So in the example product C will be 90;60;0;

Also is it possible to insert a fixed time of x hrs after each item; so it will be A-90;Changetime x;Product B-90;Changetime x; etc

Thanks again.
Hi SM,

thanks for your help. very helpful indeed. Can you please fine tune the code in the example for a case like Product C. In this case the "next run qty is less than the max but more than the minimum. in this case it must schedule the full balance.

So in the example product C will be 90;60;0;

Also is it possible to insert a fixed time of x hrs after each item; so it will be A-90;Changetime x;Product B-90;Changetime x; etc

Thanks again.

Can you please upload a sample file with the two cases you mentioned here in.
Also explain what will be the logic for all the cases.

I have added columns to show the desired output next to your file.
the logic is
a. each product has a maximum and minumum qty
b. If total demand for a product less than the maximum qty but more than the minimum qty, schedule the actual demand.
b. if total demand is greater than the maximum qty then produce the max qty
d. if total demand is less than the minimum qty produce the minimum qty
e. Move to the next product on the list and repeat steps b,c,d.
f. After once cycle of all products is done, do a second cycle to produce the balance qtys.
g. lastly to insert a fixed change time of 2hrs in each case where the qty in the preceding line is not zero, if the qty above is zero, then change time is zero.

your code is doing all of the above except in step b where demand is less than max but more than min, the min is getting produced. in this case instead of min we should produce all the left over demand.

thanks for your help in advance.


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