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Scenario Analysis with inputs/outputs across spreadsheets


New Member
Hi friends,

Does anyone know of a way to do scenario/sensitivity analysis with input parameters spread across multiple workbooks?

I have two workbooks with 27 tightly coupled worksheets and have multiple inputs spread over them. Is there any way I can do a "what-if" or "scenario analysis" or compile data sheets without collating all the inputs and calculations of the 27 worksheets on one worksheet? All examples I have seen use information contained on one worksheet?

I have been searching the internet (and read some of the documentation on this website) for some guidance for the last 2 days but were unable to find any solution to this problem. Any guidance of where I can get information on this?



Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

I would recommend setting up an Inputs or Assumptions worksheet in one of the files

This is where all your assumptions and inputs can go

It is also a good spot to link into scenario analysis

If using the Data Table command the input cells must be on the same sheet as the Data Tables. You can then link the Input or Assumptions cell to your data tables as appropriate