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Run Chart as Animate by start and stop button to check the graph


i have a workbook which contains three worksheet name called ( Alpha, Bravo,Charlie) and each worksheet there is a chart and i display all the chart in one worksheet called All in one sheet. Now what i need to run the chart as animate of whole year data value or selecting by quarterly wise. if i click button start and stop the chart should run as Animate of whole year. i need the result to view as graph running if you want to change any column or code to impress to looking good its will be more help to me.

i attached my file and sample file for the reference and some sample video look here

Please help to solve to this problems, it will be great appreciated!


  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev1.xlsm
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  • sample file Graphic-animation (1).xlsm
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  • sample file Graphic-animation.xlsm
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the 1st version ...
>> ideas - questions? <<
Hi Vletm,

Many thanks for the reply and i am so much happy that you given the first version is very nice. when i run the code the chart is not give any updating only the months are running in timer.
sir, if i understand your idea correctly that which months are i select and i refresh to select the chart in drop down list then graph will run as animate i am i right sir, i trust you that you going to give the best ever solution on this chart problems.
sir, i tried many weeks to do something like this but i totally failure to link the data with chart and i thought its impossible do what i want but now, after i see your first version sure nothing will be impossible.

please sir, i need your updated version to see eagerly.
the 1st version is always the 1st version
... now 2nd version ...
There is [ CTRL ]-option ~ if active (yellow)
then You can hide/show months data ...
>> ideas - questions? <<


  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev1.xlsb
    232.1 KB · Views: 3
Wow, Now chart also working perfect and additional CTRL option is very nice feature i dint expect this sir, if possible i need few changes on it.

1. when we are de-select the particular months list instead of blank white color. Turn into red color.
2. Chart can be expand by dates wise (eg:- now showing 1-jan-17 & 1-feb-17 change to 1-jan-17 to 31-01-17 then expand to next months of graph value so it can be view clear data values to check the graph because the gap between the months is very short. if possible to graph value showing is clear to understand more easily.
3. The vertical axis value showing as percentage and need to change as value looking like in Alpha chart.

sorry for taking your valuable time. if possible to correct this point it will be very grateful to me sir, more or less your valuable ideas we can share to make more better animate the chart.
sathishsusa + step time
1) Changed colors ... now green and red
2) I tested that ... but if someone shows Feb, Jun, Sep & Dec ...
then there will be four months without gaps (just line) between those months ...
it looked difficult? You could think one more time?
... of course, there maybe could behave both 'styles' ... hmm? but not yet!
3) Changed Vertical-axes to 0-100% ( and values too :) )
>> ideas - questions? <<


  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev1.xlsb
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sir, step by step you impressionism me lot :)and i am lot of things learning more from you its about like god's gift.

Forget to tell you what is purpose of this chart. its about the filter elements to change if high delta pressure so the target value showing in red line is constant value is 14.22. The blue line indicates that if delta pressure is crossed above the red line (14.22) then we need to change the filters.

so which you shown the value in file version 2 in table D59 is correct. same as attached picture.

below this Ideas sharing with you if possible.

1. The attached file there is worksheet called (Example Chart) if possible to animate like that and link with scroll bar to run with timer selection of above months Because my original file all the chart will look like the same format of example chart. if its done like this i think it will be more visible to view all the data in graph.

2. The Blue line crossing the red line still it reaches to 100 % but actual value is not reaching to 100 % why?

sir please once again sorry for burden ;)


  • Capture.PNG
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  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev1 3 example.xlsb
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sathishsusa ... quick small details...
Screen Shot 2017-06-17 at 09.51.49.png
Have You noticed those dates ... after 19-Jan comes of course 1-Jan or not?
Maybe not?
1) I try to figure something like that ... but then cannot select like Jan-Nov?
2) So far I didn't figure that 14,22 is 'Critical'- value!
Alpha values are between (max) 72,9 and 0,0 (min).
Bravo values are between (max) 3,5 and -166,6 (min).
Charlie values are between (max) 486,8 and 2,8 (min).
How do those data's min&max values match with ... 14,22 'Critical'-value?
... so sometimes 'ABC' values are over 14,22 (and a lot)
and sometime not (if -166,6 .. 3,5)
Hmm? Would You explain how to make some kind of balance?
Last edited:
sathishsusa ... something this kind of layout?
Screen Shot 2017-06-17 at 12.12.28.png
Upper months: select 1st period
Right side number: number of periods to show
Day/Week/Month: Length of one period
ALPHA/BRAVO/CHARLIE: which 'chart' to show
step: as before
somewhere that show previous or next periods .... hmm?
> Ideas / Questions / Answers? <
... need answers to #8 Reply!
sathishsusa ... quick small details...
View attachment 42569
Have You noticed those dates ... after 19-Jan comes of course 1-Jan or not?
Maybe not?
1) I try to figure something like that ... but then cannot select like Jan-Nov?
2) So far I didn't figure that 14,22 is 'Critical'- value!
Alpha values are between (max) 72,9 and 0,0 (min).
Bravo values are between (max) 3,5 and -166,6 (min).
Charlie values are between (max) 486,8 and 2,8 (min).
How do those data's min&max values match with ... 14,22 'Critical'-value?
... so sometimes 'ABC' values are over 14,22 (and a lot)
and sometime not (if -166,6 .. 3,5)
Hmm? Would You explain how to make some kind of balance?
Hello sir,

sorry for the late reply actually i am doing the date problems what you mentioned in chart now i updated the new data with corrected date chart on three worksheets this is my actually workbook. Now all the dates are in sequence


  • chartchange.xlsm
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sathishsusa ... something this kind of layout?
View attachment 42573
Upper months: select 1st period
Right side number: number of periods to show
Day/Week/Month: Length of one period
ALPHA/BRAVO/CHARLIE: which 'chart' to show
step: as before
somewhere that show previous or next periods .... hmm?
> Ideas / Questions / Answers? <
... need answers to #8 Reply!
sir its really super ... we can select the data by day/week /months
Do not use any ActiveX nor Slicer ...
Update Your data and all ALPHA, BRAVO & CHARLIE -formula
in THIS file and send it back.
... and You didn't answer #8 questions?
... or just new data?


  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev3.xlsb
    281.2 KB · Views: 1
Do not use any ActiveX nor Slicer ...
Update Your data and all ALPHA, BRAVO & CHARLIE -formula
in THIS file and send it back.
... and You didn't answer #8 questions?
... or just new data?
Sir i will update the data in this file and send you soon.
1. After 19-jan it will not come 1st jan the dates are sequence like 1-jan to 31-jan. This dates are now corrected in new file.
2. The critical values will be always 14.22 it will not change this value only to identify the critical pressure. The main value is blue line it will defer the values.
3. All the Alpha,Bravo,Charlie no min and max value assigned to match with critical value 14.22.
4.The previous file i noticed also there is negative values its mistake by me. no negative will come in this chart all the values are positive only so i will correct all the data and formula once again and i will upload the file.
5.you mean to say i should not use active x and silencer in this file right sir, i will delete those objects.
6. The recent file i send you that is the correct data. That is my master file right now i am working this data only.
That Your 'chartchange.xlsm' -file was corrupted and
I cannot use it - it made 'some' challenges!
5) No ActiveX & No Slicer - - no means for me no.
6) Why there are three times same formulas * '365' and
some cells are even empty; without formula at all?
Do You need those 'Pivots' if You could see 'ALL-IN-ONE'?
Hello sir,
Good morning.. please check the updated data file.
1. All the formulas are corrected and no negative values.
2. There is some Error showing like #N/A to avoid the zero value on the graph.
3. i checked your new updated version wow, mind blowing exactly this i need the same you did it i don't know how to appreciate it no more words. after seeing your graph i became crazy.... to love it and so impressive.
4. can you check the updated file all are correct.
5. How i can i add more chart on the cell of D59 is there any link of the worksheet you created. just explain your tricks so i can update my master file to all worksheets.?
6. Many Many thanks for your time and valuable knowledge given to me, what to say your are genius.:):):):):):):):):):)


  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev3 updated data.xlsb
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  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev2.xlsb
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1) About Formulas ...
1a) Like ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE Cell I20 are empty?
1b) Cells D20..D384 has same formula as well few more columns.
Do You need so so active calculation? Something changes in every minute?
If need just values and only then need make values.
2) .. same way would avoid those too
3) thank you
4) I quickly checked Your sent files ---- both has links to others --- not good!
>> I won't use those >> only would make challenges later >>
5) What do You mean 'How i can i add more chart on the cell of D59'?
5a) I asked already that do You need those 'small charts' in ABC-sheets? as well those Pivots? Or do those give different view of that data?
5b) It's possible to add more Charts as I've done that 'ALL CHART IN ONE'.
>> Note: that chart's Vertical-axes has not scaled, because like now, CHARLIE's values are HUGE ... much over 14,22!
Screen Shot 2017-06-18 at 10.40.08.png
... and Do You need those 'circles' ... tells that values is over 14,22 ... ?
6) This needs still some modifications ...
this is my the last version without 'updated data'!


  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev2.xlsb
    248.3 KB · Views: 2
Hello sir,
please have a look i updated the data in your last version file without any link.
1.About Formulas
1a) Like ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE Cell I20 are empty?
All three alpha, bravo, chalie sheet I20 cells fields are updated.
1b) Cells D20..D384 has same formula as well few more columns?
yes because the values are i am converting from meter cubic to Liter per minute units.
2) .. same way would avoid those too ?
sir, that calculation i need because my unit values are different.
3) thank you ?
i should say 1000 times thanks to you for making a mind blowing work.
4) I quickly checked Your sent files ---- both has links to others --- not good!
>> I won't use those >> only would make challenges later >> /
The link has came from before your attached file i try to edit but cannot so , i updated the data in new version without any links.
5) What do You mean 'How i can i add more chart on the cell of D59'?
what i mean actually master workbook i have 20 worksheet so how can i add those chart values in table of cell D59. please see the picture to add work sheets data.
5a) I asked already that do You need those 'small charts' in ABC-sheets? as well those Pivots? Or do those give different view of that data?
Yes i need it as now you made with compression of graph values is really super. i need to keep same as like.

5b) It's possible to add more Charts as I've done that 'ALL CHART IN ONE'.
>> Note: that chart's Vertical-axes has not scaled, because like now, CHARLIE's values are HUGE ... much over 14,22!... and Do You need those 'circles' ... tells that values is over 14,22 ... ?
Now those huge values are i corrected and graph is showing values are right ways.
sir , i don't understand about the circles why its showing values as zero. i don't want to show the value has zero of over limit.

6) This needs still some modifications ...
this is my the last version without 'updated data'!
Please find the latest updated version of file for your modification.
7) sir, the graph line can we change to thin line like line of small charts.

Many thanks,


  • to add.PNG
    to add.PNG
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sir, but the values 14.22 is critical and values showing below as rainfall it may be difficult to understand or may not?
i need some additional requirement in chart i show the button - Run the chart. because of i have 20 worksheet to display when i select and de-select the the chart its automatically running the chart to wait for select and de-selecting options. so better after selecting the chart then click the button to run the animate of chart.
1..4) Formulas ... I deleted all those table-formulas away!
There were still something which cause challenges! Not anymore!
=> There is a button for 'Refresh Sheets' = calculate tables
= if need to change formula then need to change ONLY in one place.
... just need to update new values to yellow cells.
If really needs those 'pivot'-sheets then better to do those to ABC-sheets: later.
5) I would be good to know about those +20 sheets ...
but if same kind of sheets then ... it would be possible ... some way ... hmm
if I could get more details...
6) changed the 1st months selection + [UPDATE]
7) Isn't that red line something important or what?
and if goes over then more 'notes' ... or how should do this work?
There would be something else too ... or not.
> Ideas ... Answers ... Questions? <


  • ALL-CHART-IN-ONE-rev4.xlsb
    147.3 KB · Views: 4
i became speechless after seeing your updated version file wowwwwww... mind blowing. This calculation for me very hard time to complete more than 3 months i took for all the 20 worksheets but 1 days you finish all my calculation and making me crazy sir, you really made my very happiest day.

1. i noticed to change the formula in one place that is in Column "L" (#12).
 If .Cells(y, 4) <= 1 Then OFRo1 = "Not "
                .Cells(y, 12) = OFRo1 & "Running"
                .Cells(y, 13) = .Cells(y, 8)

this code not updating the text in column 'L' , if column '4' <=1 then "pump not running". if >=1 then " Pump running".
After your worksheet i don't think so i need the Pivot tables anymore but if i want also the small chart only for sample view purpose then if cell is empty or value is zero then graph line will break sir, i need to continue the line graph i don't want to break the lines same as i need in"All chart in one".
5) I would be good to know about those +20 sheets ...?
Yes there are total 16 sheet all the same formula only sheet name is different.
6)changed the 1st months selection + [UPDATE] ?
The update button when i dis-enable and i selecting the charts of Alpha,Bravo,Charlie the update button automatically running to be change after selecting the ABC and manual to press the update button to run the chart.
7) Isn't that red line something important or what?
Yes sir its very important to check the graph value is below the critical limit.Now how to made this graph all are ok only thing to change as continue the line graph without breaking the lines same like before.
the overlimit idea is very good to understand easily thank you so much.


Actually i want to send my master file to you for your valuable reviews on it but there is some important data are in file. if it any possible way to send you personnel to review the file it more easier to me.
i attached the one file can your modify the code.
By selecting list in drop down combo box the chart i will bring to the front view. all the code are working in Active x control button combo box later i check with my company pc the active x control is not working so i need to change in Form control combo box but i don't how to do it work.


  • View chart by selecting.xlsm
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#23 I'll check better tomorrow .. (7) older version! no!
#24 as I wrote in #14 - no ActiveX nor Slicer! >> No Action here!
... and I You would like to forget change 'my ALL-IN-ONE' then good luck!