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Rounding question


I'm sure this is an easy answer but I'm just not getting it. How do you round a number to the nearest 100 or 1000? For example, if the number is 5798.69 but I want it to say 5700 or 6000, what's the formula? I tried =ROUND(A2,3) but that returned 5798.69 instead of 5700 like I was hoping.

Thank you!

If toy have in A2 5798.69


will return 6000



will return 5700

Hi Haylay,

Assuming your data in A1,

Try =FLOOR(A1,1000) for roundup


Try =CEILING(A1,1000) for rounddown

Where you can define the rounding precision by changing 1000 to 10, 100 etc.

KPJ, nice! That works too! I'm using "round" for this particular spreadsheet though because I want it to round to the nearest (up or down, whatever's appropriate for each individual number).

You can also use negative arguements in the ROUND function.

This formula will evaluate to 6000


This will evaluate to 5800

Following on from Luke:

From Excel Help

=ROUND(A2,3-LEN(INT(A2))) Rounds the top number to 3 significant digits (5490000)

=ROUNDDOWN(A3,3-LEN(INT(A3))) Rounds the bottom number down to 3 significant digits (22200)

=ROUNDUP(A2,5-LEN(INT(A2))) Rounds the top number up to 5 significant digits (5492900)
Neat trick Hui, I had not realized you could make a dynamic significant digit rounding!