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round down to nearest quarter


New Member
I have been unable to get an equation result to round down to the nearest quarter. We are making a form to verify information on labels for various bread products. The FDA has some regulations to determine what they term as "grains/bread servings". The equation is simply to divide the serving size (in grams) by 28, then round the result down to the nearest .25.

For example

34 gram roll 34/28=1.214.... the result is then rounded down to 1

55 gram bun 55/28=1.964.... is then rounded down to 1.75

I have tried mround but it always rounds to the closest .25 not down.

I would appreciate any help,

You can round 1.214 to 1

but 1.964 will be rounded to 2 beacause this is the nearest quarter.

Try this formula =ROUND(D1/0.25;0)*0.25 where D1 contains the value to be rounded.
Thank you for the quick response. I tried your suggestion and I got a "entered too few arguments" message. So I copied your suggestion changed D1 to the cell containing the value to be rounded and got a "formula contains an error" message
I think you actually want the FLOOR function.

A1 = 2.356

A2 = 0.25


evaluates to 2.25