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Return sheet name from search


New Member
Hello all,

I can't seem to get this to work. I have multiple worksheets in a workbook and i need a formula that I can use to search the rest of the workbook and return the sheet name in the cell. For example i have a lot of seperate sectors within the stock market that are found on multiple indexes. I need a cell in the sector worksheets to search the worksheets that contain the indexes. If the stock code is found then I need to add that index (sheet name) to the stock code. I found a previous post with this formula


However i am a novice at excel and it keeps returning #name?.

Is someone able to help me solve this please?

Hi, the formula posted contains a virtual reference from the name manager "Employee_Name", hence the error probably. Your file does not know that name.
To be able to help you, please upload a sample file, containing the file structure as explained and with enough data to test the formula. Dummy data is okay.