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return just "checked" cells

Hi Igor ,

My comments :

1. We need to get the following terms clarified :

Cycle , Period , Start Day and Start Date.

How are these 4 related to one another ? I can see that Start Day is a day-of-the-week , and if we are given the Start Date , we can derive the Start Day from this. You need to explain only Cycle , Period and Start Date.

2. Except for Description which can be free type , I think for the remaining we should have data validation dropdowns ; we can start with what you know , but in case we have missed out something , then when the user input is rejected , you can always go back to the master , update it , and then come back to the data entry template and enter what was missed out.

3. The cell addresses I have put in only pertain to week 1 ; if this has to be carried over to more weeks , then we need to add those addresses too. Thus , if you are going to have 4 weeks of data in main and cass , then we need to have 4 columns representing those 4 weeks , and the respective cell addresses need to be entered there.

All of this is going to take time , and I doubt that this will be ready tomorrow.

Hi Igor ,

So let me put down the certainties :

1. U4 will have the Start Date.

2. One cycle means 4 weeks.

3. One period is 1 week.

4. One week is 7 days ; weekdays , weekends and holidays are all to be considered.

Please confirm the above.

One doubt :

Can the Start Date be any day of the week , or will it always be a Monday ?

1. Can be. But we have to add one cell below for start day (which looks in the start date cell to return the day, also cycle will probably have to look in that cell to return the cycle (starting date - "+4 weeks")


3. Yes.

4. Yes. Start day can be any day of the week, depends on the starting date. So it can start from which ever day.

This is the file that narayan helped me with. It only needs a few things more to finish it.

1. When the data is transfered from comment sheet, then the Marsheet is empty, so no medicines there. When data transfers from comment the first table for medicine is filled in. When importing data for second medicine, the second table is filled in. And so on. Probably the code will need to check whether the medicine is for the same patient, if yes, then it fills in the other tables, if the new patient is introduced, it starts from the first table. We only need the code for week 1 (for now).

2. Mid cycle option (see overview file)

3. Is printing options, ("overview file")



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