the column titled Gl accc is the gl account ( name would not be gl account same as i mentioned ). the curr ,currency refers to the currencies of the countryCan't work as there is no gl account column in Corebanking file !
the column titled Gl accc is the gl account ( name would not be gl account same as i mentioned ). the curr ,currency refers to the currencies of the countryCan't work as there is no gl account column in Corebanking file !
Private Sub Demo()
Const E = ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=No"""
Dim oCn As Object, P$, F$, N, V, VH, R&, T, W, H%(3), C%, K$, VA#()
P = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
F = Dir(P & "*.xlsx"): If F = "" Then Beep: Exit Sub
[E2].Value = " Wait …"
N = Array([{"country*"}], [{"curr*"}], [{"gl acc*"}], [{"revenue","Non funded income","NFI"}])
P = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & P
Set oCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oCn.Open P & F & E
With oCn.Execute("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]")
V = .GetRows
End With
VH = Application.Index(V, , 1)
For R = 0 To 3
For Each T In N(R)
W = Application.Match(T, VH, 0)
If IsNumeric(W) Then H(R) = W - 1: Exit For
If IsEmpty(T) Then Exit For
If T > "" Then
C = -(F Like "Corebanking*")
For R = 1 To UBound(V, 2)
K = V(0, R) & vbTab & V(H(0), R) & vbTab & V(H(1), R) & vbTab & V(H(2), R)
If .Exists(K) Then VA = .Item(K) Else ReDim VA(1)
VA(C) = VA(C) + V(H(3), R)
.Item(K) = VA
End If
F = Dir
Loop Until F = ""
R = .Count
Set oCn = Nothing
[A2].Resize(R).Value = Application.Transpose(.Keys)
[A2].Resize(R).TextToColumns Tab:=True
[E2:F2].Resize(R).Value = Application.Index(.Items, 0)
End With
With [A2:F2].Resize(R).Columns
.Item("E:G").NumberFormat = Cells(7).NumberFormat
.Item(8).NumberFormat = Cells(8).NumberFormat
.Item(7).Formula = "=F2-E2"
.Item(8).Formula = "=IF(F2=0,""-"",E2/F2)"
.Item(9).Formula = "=IF(E2=F2,""R"",""Not r"")&""econciled"""
.Item("G:I").Formula = .Item("G:I").Value
End With
End Sub
As in my first post in this thread I clearly asked about workbooks names, I can't waste time anymore,
you must fix & set a definitive context
You never mentionned this and never joined such worksheet ‼The blanks ones are valid ones also the Gl account number column the length of the accounts has possible cases of 18 digit in length . if the two workbooks does not have any currency or gl account still in the case the data should be in summary report as null .
In this case according to your last attachment,if the two workbooks does not have any currency or gl account still in the case the data should be in summary report as null.
Option Compare Text
Function VHeaders(W)
Dim F&, V, R&
On Error Resume Next
F = LBound(W, 2): If Err.Number Then Exit Function
V = Application.Index(W, , 1)
If Not IsArray(V) Then
ReDim V(UBound(W))
For R = LBound(W) To UBound(W): V(R) = W(R, F): Next
End If
VHeaders = V
End Function
Private Sub Demo()
Const D = "¤", E = ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=No"""
Dim oCn As Object, P$, F$, M$, N, V, VH, R&, T, W, H%(3), B%, C%, K$, VA#()
P = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
F = Dir(P & "*.xlsx"): If F = "" Then Beep: Exit Sub
[E2].Value = " Wait …"
M = "Bad Headers :"
N = Array([{"country*"}], [{"curr*"}], [{"gl acc*"}], [{"revenue","Non funded income","NFI"}])
P = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & P
Set oCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
oCn.Open P & F & E
With oCn.Execute("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]")
V = .GetRows
End With
VH = VHeaders(V)
If IsArray(VH) Then
For R = 0 To 3
For Each T In N(R)
W = Application.Match(T, VH, 0)
If IsNumeric(W) Then H(R) = W - 1: Exit For
If IsEmpty(T) Then B = B + 1: M = M & D & F: Exit For
If T > "" Then
C = -(F Like "corebanking*")
For R = 1 To UBound(V, 2)
K = V(0, R) & vbTab & V(H(0), R) & vbTab & V(H(1), R) & vbTab & V(H(2), R)
If .Exists(K) Then VA = .Item(K) Else ReDim VA(1)
If IsNumeric(V(H(3), R)) Then VA(C) = VA(C) + V(H(3), R)
.Item(K) = VA
End If
B = B + 1: M = M & D & F
End If
F = Dir
Loop Until F = ""
R = .Count
Set oCn = Nothing
[A2].Resize(R).Value = Application.Transpose(.Keys)
[A2].Resize(R).TextToColumns Tab:=True, FieldInfo:=Array([{1,2}], [{2,2}], [{3,2}], [{4,2}])
[E2:F2].Resize(R).Value = Application.Index(.Items, 0)
End With
With [A2:F2].Resize(R).Columns
.Item("E:G").NumberFormat = Cells(7).NumberFormat
.Item(8).NumberFormat = Cells(8).NumberFormat
.Item(7).Formula = "=F2-E2"
.Item(8).Formula = "=IF(F2=0,""-"",E2/F2)"
.Item(9).Formula = "=IF(E2=F2,""R"",""Not r"")&""econciled"""
.Item("G:I").Formula = .Item("G:I").Value
End With
If B Then
MsgBox "some bad headers workbook" & IIf(B > 1, "s", ""), vbExclamation, " Done but …"
V = Split(M, D)
[M2].Resize(UBound(V) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(V)
End If
End Sub
Absolute perfect
Maybe now the mod code in my previous post is closed to perfect …