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Request to Chandoo (Key Master)


Dear Chandoo...

I am a big fan of your blog. The way of your problem explanation and problem solving so amazing. I didn't get this type explanation anywhere. So by this point of view, i want to request you "why didn't you try to give MS access classes also. It will help most of the excel users to improve their skills in MS access also. So please try to implement

Hi Vijay ,

As an alternative to Access , check out the facilities available in Excel itself , here :


Hi Vijay ,

As an alternative to Access , check out the power of Excel itself , here :


Hi Vijay ,

As an alternative to Access , check out the power of Excel :


Good day vijay.vizzu

Chandoo.org is one of the best Excel communities there is and there are many, we all, at time to time look at other sites and if we find something useful we share it with others. If you explore this site you will find a vast library of excel know how, this has been built up by Chandoo and the nijas, the nijas all having full time jobs away from Chandoo,It is obvious that chandoos heart is in excel, his lesson take up a lot of time and thought to put on the site,. They are experts in their own way with excel, but they are busy in other ways.

Who would run the Access side of the site, I have worked with Access and know that although some things like VBA are common to both, Access does not need the depth of data input as with functions and formulas. Access is a full blow data base with easy forms for data entry, queries to pull data, reports to, well report. A different programme with different needs, search the net there are many Access sites, find those that you like the look of and sign up.

I am not against Chandoo starting an Access site that would be a decision for him self, I just think with the massive amount of information on this site and the work involved in its running it would be an impossible task for him to run it himself, which would mean getting some help......but why? the sites are already out there, I am sure that if vijay.vizzu had done a search he would have found many sites quicker than it took him to write his post


Sometime ago, last year or previous, I was asked by two mainframe IT guys that had to get involved with PC databases if I knew where to learn Access online, either paid courses of free forums. I did my job and came out with a bunch of links to different sites, from where I recommended the top five ones, not because of my own experience, just for my short test questions. Months later, both were happy and thankful. I should say that I didn't participate actively at that moment, only a little to test responsiveness, accuracy and skills. My thumbs up to those five.

This year, having splitted operations between mainframe and PC's, they needed to perform data analysis and distribute data in a friendly manner to end users. So they asked me the same recommendation but for Excel. This time was easy and I answered in 30 seconds (no, don't be evil, I didn't say MrExcel or any other...)

I told them that I was entering here but neither detailed my participation nor my nick (they're my clients and had no budget for increasing hours from my partners and myself). It didn't pass a month and I was asked this: "Is there any site for Access as 'awesome' as Chandoo.org for Excel?", and the answer was the first list, just that.

That's what I said it wasn't a bad idea... never talk about feasibility or resources.

SirJB7 Last post of the night need to put some stuff in the lungs(you know my meaning)do you still have your recommended list of Access sites if they helped your IT guys maybe vijay.vizzu would find them helpful.


Here there are three...


And look in a message to whom I found them...

Interesting request. Thanks for starting the conversation Vijay.

Personally I have been a database programmer & SQL ninja in my other life (as a software developer between 2002-2004 and later in 2006-07). I have been using SQL & various databases (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and of course Access) since 1997.

So when people mention about Access courses (or articles), I am tempted to say yes. But so far, running Chandoo.org (with Excel focus) has been so satisfactory and fulfilling that I could barely squeeze time to do anything else. But I would love to spawn a sub-section on the site (like chandoo.org/access ) and load it with frequent articles on MS Access.

If you would like to volunteer for such a thing, let me know (my mail id is chandoo.d @ gmail.com).

Please note that I may not be able to start such a thing immediately. But once I have enough courage (and learned a few things about Access 2010 or 2007), I will create the new site.

How does that sound?
Thanks to all members and specially for chandoo for giving their valuable comments about the topic. I am requesting all the members, please support chandoo to start his new chapter "Become awesome in MS Access" too, i am very happy to hear that, chandoo has interest to start this chapter. So i am waiting with crazy for new chapter.

Once again, please support chandoo......


Dear Chandoo,

I want to import/link a data(dump) from excel sheet to MS Access 2007 but the first row is merged ,so i want to exclude the first row ,please suggest because it will be very tough while appending the data (I do not want to take help of VBA)


Rakesh Prasad
Topic was good.... discussions were heated .....

But I fear, will it create two fractions in team Ninjas .....

A kind of grading .....

Though all of us (including the Ninjas & the Key Master) sitting in different

parts of the world, while we are in the forum, we are like working in one office...

Do not like to see - we are shattered .... we are scattered ..... we are graded ..... WE ARE ONE .......
@prasad, elhamdk, shibulal


Would you please start a new topic instead of writing on another user's one? It might be seen as hijacking. More indeed when it's such and old topic. If needed you could add a reference in your new one.

Perhaps you'd want to read the three green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

That was just some words of encouragement to include Access in the website ..didn't know I should start a new topic for that. Sorry for breaking the rules.