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Request for Excel Formula: Populate Grid with 0s and 1s, Ensuring Column Sums within Given Range

Hello everyone! I'm looking for an Excel formula to generate a grid with 744 rows and 100 columns, where each cell contains either 0 or 1. The sum of values in each column should always be within a specified range (between floor and ceiling values as input). We can consider floor value as 200 and ceiling value as 280. Thanks!
A formula for one column:
Copy across 100 cells.
Hello everyone! I'm looking for an Excel formula to generate a grid with 744 rows and 100 columns, where each cell contains either 0 or 1. The sum of values in each column should always be within a specified range (between floor and ceiling values as input). We can consider floor value as 200 and ceiling value as 280.

You can use the following Excel formula to generate a grid with the specified conditions:

1. In cell A1, enter the formula:

=IF(RAND() < (280-SUM($A$1:A1))/(744-ROW(A1)+1), 1, 0)

2. Copy this formula across 100 columns (from B1 to CV1).

3. Copy the entire row down to row 744.

This formula utilizes the `RAND()` function to generate random values between 0 and 1. Based on the specified floor and ceiling values, it assigns 1 or 0 to each cell in the grid, ensuring the sum of values in each column falls within the given range.