Hi all,
please help to remove duplicates in excel by following step.
below is the table.
in this duplicate should be remove by mobile,cseuser,date in that i have one condition
if same Cseuser same mobile and same date Actiontime less than 60sec is duplicate more that 60sec is not duplicate
please help to remove duplicates in excel by following step.
below is the table.
ID Mobile CSEUser Date ActionTime
384057 9591000002 depashreeshende 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:17
384058 8870000003 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:26
384059 8870000003 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:27
384060 9920000009 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:27
384061 9972000001 jaishreen 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:27
384062 7870000006 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:29
384063 7870000006 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:30
in this duplicate should be remove by mobile,cseuser,date in that i have one condition
if same Cseuser same mobile and same date Actiontime less than 60sec is duplicate more that 60sec is not duplicate