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Removing duplicates and consolidating phone number list


New Member
In my worksheet I have a list of donors who donate to a charity that I volunteer for.

Column labels are as follows:

F Name M Name L/Name Address City P.code Phone #

Data description:

Each phone number may be listed more than once depending on how many times a family made donations

Each phone number is tied to one address

Each phone number and address may have more than one name entries depending on how many family members made donations.

I want to consolidate the information so that I have unique first names associated with a phone number.

I have uploaded a sample file to Dropbox at the following link.


There are two tabs, before and after. After is what I want from before. Here I did it manually. The complete file has in excess of 7,000 entries.

Any help from the forum, like always is appreciated.

Thank you
Hi ,

I am not sure I have understood you , since I do not know why you have brought in the issue of phone numbers ; the first point is that a person is identified by his / her first name , middle name and last name. Can there be two entries for the same person , with either of the following being different - address , city , post code , phone number ?

As far as I can see , all you need to do is to use a helper column , and use the following formula :


Copy this down to get a concatenated value of the first name and phone number.

Copy this column , and paste special values in a separate sheet.

Remove duplicates from this column.

Use the text to columns facility using the "|" symbol as a delimiter to get back the individual items of first name and phone number.

Use the VLOOKUP function to retrieve the associated entries of Middle Name , Last Name , Address , City and Post Code.

as per my understanding there is no connection with First name....

you want to make unique id number on the basis of phone number and p.code(pin code)...

is it?


CA Mahaveer Somani
Hello CA Mahaveer Somani.

For now I have used the method suggested by Narayan. It works.

I will bug you if I am stumped again with an excel issue.

Thank you for your response