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Remove filters from hidden pivot table


Hi Chandoo,

I've created a pivot chart with many slicers around it. I've hidden the pivot table so users can focus on the chart and slicers.
To remove filters, I either need to unhide, select the pivot table and click on clear all or remove individual filters from each slicer.
If I don't click on the pivot table then the clear all option is disabled.

Is there another way round this without having to create a macro?

on the ribbon, PivotChart Analyze, Clear and Filter


This can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar 'Clear Filters':
Hi GraH - Guido,

Thanks for your reply.

I already have the Clear all button on my quick access toolbar but notice the difference between the two screenshots.

The first one shows that my table is filtered and the Clear all button is enabled because my cursor is on the pivot table.


The second shows that the button is disabled because my cursor is not on the pivot table.

I can still remove the filter from the slicer but what if I have applied multiple filters on different slicers and the pivot table is hidden?

I've fixed the issue with a macro but was asking if there is another way.