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recognizing the pattern within a string, then lookup and calculate calories


New Member
I'm trying to create an exel file that will calculate eaten calories.

For example, when I enter a number (or series of numbers), that represents a food - Exel looks up this number and calculates calories.

Table 1. contains all food entries as well as calories:

Nr === Food == Calories


1 === Bred == 100 kcal

2 === Cheese == 200 kcal

3 === Cola == 300 kcal

Table 2. is where calculations are done:

Date == Eaten Food == Total Calories


21 nov == 1+2(2)+3(1/3) == 100+200*2+300/3=600 kcal

600 kCal is the result that I'm trying to achieve. Whole process is following:

* we enter numbers separated by +(plus)

* number pattern is: X or X(Y), where X is a Number from table 1. and Y is the multiplier

* exel lookup each number

* calculates calories for each food

* sums everything up

* shows the result

Here is how Exel looks like:


Sorry, i tried to upload an Exel file, but my favorite file-hosting service is down on maintenance.

Any advice or help on how to achieve 600 kCal result (as in example) will be appreciated!
Before getting too far, you might want to check out some of Debra's files which sounds very similar. Here's the first link:


And then search for "calorie counter" on this page to find some other templates:

ok, it took me 5 hours and now the job is done

It's 3AM in the morning and the studies will start in 4 hours, but the feeling is amazing! In case if someone is interested - I used Excel VBA:

Function CalcCalories(cell As Range, cell2 As Range)
Dim splited As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim Calories As Double
Dim result As Double
Dim number As Integer
Dim multiplier As Double
Calories = 0
result = 0

splited = split(cell.Value, "+")
For i = 0 To UBound(splited)
If InStr(splited(i), "(") > 0 Then
openingParen = InStr(splited(i), "(")
closingParen = InStr(splited(i), ")")

number = Mid(splited(i), 1, openingParen - 1)

Dim multiplierString As String
multiplierString = Mid(splited(i), openingParen + 1, closingParen - openingParen - 1)

If InStr(multiplierString, "/") > 0 Then
openingParenMult = InStr(multiplierString, "/")
delimoe = Mid(multiplierString, 1, openingParenMult - 1)
castnoe = Mid(multiplierString, openingParenMult + 1, Len(multiplierString) - openingParenMult)
multiplier = delimoe / castnoe
multiplier = multiplierString
End If
number = splited(i)
multiplier = 1
End If
Calories = LoopRange(cell2, number)
result = result + (Calories * multiplier)
CalcCalories = result
End Function

Function LoopRange(cell As Range, searchFor As Integer) As Double
Dim maxY As Integer
maxY = cell.Columns.count
Dim currentColumn As Integer
Dim result As Integer
result = 0
For i = 1 To cell.Rows.count + 1
Dim curvalue As Integer
curvalue = cell(i, 1)
If curvalue = searchFor Then
Dim Calories As Integer
Calories = cell(i, maxY)

result = Calories

Exit For
End If
LoopRange = result
End Function

Cell1 - line with values (For example: "1+2+5+1(1/25)"). Pattern: X(Y) or X. X - Food number, Y - multiplier (can be 1/2, 5, 1/32 etc).

Cell2 - table with the data(The first column - Food Numeration, the last column - Calories)

to call out the function you must put into a cell: "=CalcCalories(G9,$B$5:$D$8)" or something similar to this. The program will automatically calculate calories for all the food that you've eaten during the day!!!!!

yesssssss!! more coffee please