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realtime data of many notepad into one excel file and save all data


New Member
my realtime data keep coming on many notepads every minutes and i want all the data into a excel sheet and save every data in new cells. is it possible ?

all notepads data format is same with 5 colums.
This sounds like it will be too much work to expect for free from a forum

You could try asking :

Chandoo http://chandoo.org/wp/contact/


Daniel (ExcelHero.com) http://www.excelhero.com/blog/2010/06/excel-business-application-development-services.html

about consulting

If you decide to tackle it yourself, Write a VBA routine to

+ List the files in your director

+ Import each file

+ Append to the data

+ Goto the next file

+ Delete file after it is appended, or move to another location

+ Repeat every x minutes

You can find help on all the above steps here at Chandoo.org