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Real Estate Cashflow Generation


New Member


I have a worksheet with the following parameters

a) Sales Projected

b) Project Schedule

c) Payment Plan

A payment plan is to be derived by taking the following criterias:-

• When a person buys a unit he has to pay the cumulative percentage(multiplied by Bsp ) till date according to the payment plan.

• The rest will be paid according to the schedule the start dates of which has been shown in the sheet.

A cashflow is to be generated by using some formula. I can not figure that part out.

Spreadsheet attached for reference.


Kindly advice.


Drop box link for the same file

Hi DV,

Can you explain the sheet with an example how things are done in it, can't understand the notations/terminology in this sheet.

Hi, DV!

Please check these questions:

a) what's S39 intended to mean? date of what?

b) all units are 2000 sqft and the price is the same for all units and will be the same during the whole project (48 months)?

c) units are sold during the 48 months according to % of 17th. row?

d) cashflows usually have two components, incomes and expenses; in the below Inflow table you're just registering first one?

e) what are Tn, how do they apply to calculations, and how are they tied to the % of 17th. row?

