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Radio Button on No Selection

Dear Excel Ninja,

I need guidance on the columns below:-

Column Name:
No Changes - When I selected it, the codes are in good as it is disabled. This is to tell the user that you cannot click the other column as it is not a tyre section. [Completed]
Engine Changes - When I selected it, the codes are in good as it is disabled. This is to tell the user that you cannot click the other column as it is not a tyre section. [Completed]
Tyre Changes - This one, yes, when I selected it, I can select either Change 4 - tyres or Change 2 - tyres. Thus, I can also select the Tyre-Add Features.
Can you assist in this section only?

The reason I am doing this is to tell the user it matches only tyre section with all the tyre accessories or components.

Feedback to me again if there are any queries.

Thank you very much.


  • vertical and horizontal (3).xlsm
    52.2 KB · Views: 1
You seems to copied & pasted another time same phrases.
Except, now there are [Completed] two times ...
if nothing more hints
then should I reply as I have replied previous time ... or what?
Dear vletm,

May I ask what is your question on my sentence:-
Tyre Changes - This one, yes, when I selected it, I can select either Change 4 - tyres or Change 2 - tyres. Thus, I can also select the Tyre-Add Features.

What hints do you want to elaborate?

Dear vletm,

At the cell C27:D27, once I selected it, then I can select the either cell F26:G27 and then I can select the cell from L24:M30.

So, can you understand now? Attached the file


  • vertical and horizontal (3).xlsm
    52.2 KB · Views: 4
That is not #25 file.
As I have commented before,
I can use only 'my file' that I do not need to use extra time to check Your files logic.
Dear vletm,

Thanks for your commented.

Can open a new topic based on #31 file ? Since this is not the same as your #25 file?

Kindly advise.
Dear vletm,

Very firm on your information.

I have tried my best to explain to you with example and also including the cell number, but I guess you are strong on your decision.
Thus, I understand you are busy with solving other people's questions in this forum.

Keep it up for your excellent work and never give up to solve more excel queries.
You wanted to learn something.
If You copy & pasted Your previous replies; same phrases,
instead try to reply eg 'what is missing?',
there could be some new information eg for me.
Question > without answer or
... based 'I want', won't help anybody for long time.