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Question regarding the courses at chandoo


New Member
Excel is so vast and is something that takes a lifetime to master. I know that the courses here at chandoo seem to cover a lot of the major areas that are commonly used for the regular users..things like pivot tables and such. But does the course here go in-depth on these topics? Or just teach you the very basics for each of the major topics? Like a few demonstrations of some vba, dashboard examples.

For example, there are countless formulas in excel, but I'm sure the course can't possibly cover all of them.so are the courses more suited for individuals who are beginners and do not possess allot of prior computer knowledge and experience?

I have a computer science degree and have had experience with programming..so I was wondering if the amount of things covered in the courses will be sufficient or advanced enough.

I have no excel background at the moment.. So iwas hoping that I will be able to learn a ton from the classes here.. From beginner level all the way to advanced.

I would love to hear about people's experience with the products.

P.S: is anyone a financial analyst? Or have taken the financial modeling course here at chandoo?

Thanks in advance.
Hi syrianrue,

I have 'Not' taken a single course from chandoo, this is because if you were expecting something about these course, there is no such thing in this post :)

I thought of sharing with you one advise that our Dean, told us when i was final year student of engineering, he said:

"This course .....is not designed to make you engineers, it is designed to let you know where you will go to seek guidance when you will be facing problems in your professional life; courses are not taught to make you an encyclopedia of engineering, rather to let you know where you need to peep in, in case you stuck some where!!"

So no course is (pertaining to xyz field) is going to make you a hit, it will just tell you where you might had to look into to solve your problem, let it be financial modeling by chandoo's.

Hope i have explained myself :)

With Best Wishes for your new career,

I think that you summed it up in 2 of your comments

Excel is vast, True

your Excel experience is nil

Chandoo's courses offer to teach you to what I would call an intermediate Excel level

Beyond this is courses like the Excel Hero Academy, but I would not recommend this for people without Excel experience

What is more important is your use/experience with Excel

You don't learn Excel from a course, video or book

It requires immersion to really understand how to best utilize it vast facilities

I would recomend taking one of Chandoo's courses and while doing that get immersed in the use of Excel via either work based usage or contribution at places like the Chandoo.org forums
have you taken the courses offered at excel hero academy? they seem remarkable.

but such a difference in price between the enrollment for the regular program and the program that allows you for downloads :