GraH - Guido
Well-Known Member
Hi, Brunda,
Good you follow up. #24 contained the extra information required on the existing measures.
Notice a simple question turned into a (be it small) agile development. Last time I checked minions only exist in the movie. We are no free resources.
This is my last attempt at this.
Good you follow up. #24 contained the extra information required on the existing measures.
Notice a simple question turned into a (be it small) agile development. Last time I checked minions only exist in the movie. We are no free resources.
This is my last attempt at this.
let GetMeasures = (Text as text) as record =>
LCase = Text.Lower(Text)
, ListChars = Text.ToList(LCase)
, ReplaceChars = List.ReplaceMatchingItems
( ListChars
,{ { "(" , " " }
, { ")" , " " }
, { "{" , " " }
, { "}" , " " }
, { "[" , " " }
, { "]" , " " }
, { "|" , " " }
, { "\" , " " }
, { "/" , " " }
, { "," , " " }
, { "%" , "% " }
, { "-" , " " }
, { "x" , " " }
, NewTxt = Text.Combine(ReplaceChars, "")
, AsLst = Text.Split(NewTxt, " ")
, CleanList = List.Select(AsLst, each
Text.Select(_,{"%"}) = ""
and Text.Contains(_, "bc") = false
//and Text.Contains(_, "x") = false
and (
Text.StartsWith(_, "0")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "1")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "2")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "3")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "4")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "5")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "6")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "7")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "8")
or Text.StartsWith(_, "9")
or Text.StartsWith(_, ".")
or List.ContainsAny({_},
{ "gm"
, "gms"
, "grm"
, "grms"
, "gram"
, "grams"
, "g"
, "kg"
, "kgs"
, "Kilogram"
, "Kilograms"
, "ml"
, "millilitre"
, "millilitres"
, "litre"
, "litres"
, "l"
, "o.z."
, "oz"
, "oz."
, "fl oz"
, "fl.oz"
, "lb"
, "lbs"
, AddSpace = List.Transform(CleanList, each
Text.Replace( _ , Text.Select(_, {"0".."9", "."}) , " " & Text.Select(_, {"0".."9", "."}) )
, PipeList = List.Transform(AddSpace, each
Text.Replace( _ , Text.Select(_, {"a".."z"}) , "|" & Text.Select(_, {"a".."z"}) )
, RestoreTxt = Text.Combine(PipeList, ";")
, CleanTxt = Text.Replace(RestoreTxt, ";|","|")
, NewList = Text.Split(CleanTxt, ";")
, SelectMeasures = List.Select(NewList, each Text.Select(_,"|") <>"" and Text.Select(_, {"0".."9"}) <> "" )
, Counter = List.Count(SelectMeasures)
, MakeRecord = [ Quantity = if Counter = 0
then "NA"
else Text.Select(SelectMeasures{0}, {"0".."9", "."})
, Measure = if Quantity = "NA" then "NA"
else Text.Select(SelectMeasures{0}, {"a".."z"})
, #"Quantity-Measure" = if Quantity = "NA" then "NA" else Quantity& " " &Measure
, #"Multiple Measures" = if Counter > 1
then Text.Replace(Text.Combine(SelectMeasures, " , "), "|"," ")
else "NA"