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Problems with Horizontal Axis labels (not lining up with data series)

To all,

I am graphing 3 data series. Two of them, total interest and total principle (AB:AC) line up with the months in column T. But the balance in column Z has its first value starting before January.

When I Edit horizontal axis and set Balance to T22:T34 that works fine, but the other two data series are affected and vice versa.

As of now, the balance appears to be plotted correctly. But look at principle and interest. The last points for both appear to be November. But when you select data and view the X axis labels, Principle ends at December and Interest ends on November.

I am trying to get all three of these to line up. I entered a zero in AB22:AC22 thinking that might be the solution, but it didn't work.

Does anybody have any suggestions?


  • APR and APY.xlsx
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Your 3 lines have an X Axis which has 13 values in it
Your Green line has 13 Y Values from Z22:Z34
But the Red and Blue Series only have 12 values AB23:AB34 and AC23:AC34
I think these two series should be AB22:AB34 and AC22:AC34
Hi ,

I don't think there is any problem ; it all depends on how you want to depict the figures.

A balance or opening balance is a prior figure , so if you are plotting data of principal and interest for the months January through December , the values of these are month-end figures i.e. the interest figure for January will be the interest which has accrued by month-end.

The opening balance figure is at the beginning of the month , or at the end of the previous month. Thus your balance figures are going from end-December to end-December , while your principal and interest figures will go from end-January to end-December.

To depict both of them together till your balance reaches 0 , you will have to put in 13 values of the opening balance versus 12 values of principal and interest.

If you wish to retain an X-axis which shows only 12 months , then you have to forego the end opening balance figure of 0 , and show the 12 values from 10000 to 871.89

Thus , your opening balance figures will go from December ( before January ) to November , while the other two items will go from January to December.

The alternative is to have 13 months ( from December to December ) or even 14 months ( from December to January ) , and have the different series starting from different points on the X-axis.

Your 3 lines have an X Axis which has 13 values in it
Your Green line has 13 Y Values from Z22:Z34
But the Red and Blue Series only have 12 values AB23:AB34 and AC23:AC34
I think these two series should be AB22:AB34 and AC22:AC34

That did it. I got so fixated on the X values that I forgot to double check the Y values.