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Problems with Calculation


New Member
This one has me stumped. Formula reads:
=IFERROR(INDEX(RawBudgetAmt,MATCH(1,((MID(RawBudgetAcct,3,3)=$A23)*(MID(RawBudgetAcct,14,6)=$B23)),0)),0) entered CSE. What I'm attempting to do is a lookup based on 2 criteria.

Because I'm testing, each cell should return 100. I get 0. When I click in Index & press F9, the correct answer is displayed. When I run evaluate formula I get 0. Here's what's even more bizarre: If I copy the sheet, the formula works in the copied sheet.

Calculation is set to auto, I'm SURE about the CSE because I can see the brackets. The simple answer would be to just replace the errant worksheet; the problem is that completely messes with all the other code on all the other sheets.

Both RawBudgetAmt and RawBudgetAcct are named ranges using Offset formulas ... could that be the culprit?