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Problem with some formatting tasks when using Group Sheets option (Excel 2010)

Lilly Jo

New Member
I used the group sheets quick tip to successfully format several page set up tasks across multiple worksheets, including header, footer, margins, etc. However, I can't get one specific (and needed) format task to work. In page setup -> sheet, I want to set specific rows to repeat at the top of each worksheet. That area is grayed-out on the sheet tab and I can't select anything. Am I doing something incorrectly; or doesn't the group sheets option work with some formatting tasks? (Note: even if I can't get some rows to repeat on each worksheet, this tip will save me lots of time and I'm grateful for it!)
Hi, Lilly Jo!

First of all welcome to Chandoo's website Excel forums. Thank you for your joining us and glad to have you here.

As a starting point I'd recommend you to read the three first green sticky topics at this forums main page. There you'll find general guidelines about how this site and community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

Among them you're prompted to perform searches within this site before posting, because maybe your question had been answered yet.

Feel free to play with different keywords so as to be led thru a wide variety of articles and posts, and if you don't find anything that solves your problem or guides you towards a solution, you'll always be welcome back here. Tell us what you've done, consider uploading a sample file as recommended, and somebody surely will read your post and help you.

And about your question...

I'm afraid you can't as that field is grayed (disabled) when you select multiple worksheets. If actually needed as a must, you'd have to consider using VBA code (macros) to perform that job.

Thank you very much for your reply. Before registering and posting my question, I read the general information you reference and searched on all applicable keywords. The only thing I found was the November 15, 2010 quick tip and the 22 responses that followed it. (I'd already found and read those last night and used the information to format worksheets tonight.) After discovering that I couldn't set rows to repeat, I thought I'd check-in and see if someone with more knowledge and experience could set me on the right path. (Or confirm it can't be done; which you confirmed.) As I said earlier, using your tip I'm still way ahead of where I'd be without it! So I'm quite content.

Thank you.
Hi, Lilly Jo!

Thank you very much and congrats for having searched within the site in your first attempt.

Glad you're quite content even if haven't solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.


PS: BTW, if you want to try the VBA alternative, just follow this thread and post the related sample file. I'd try to help you with that and perhaps many other'd do the same.