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Prevent #DIV/0! when using SUMPRODUCT

I have two named ranges:

Name of range is CS_total

Name of range AS_total

Here is my formula in Results!G3

The problem is than some cells in $G$3:$G$500 contain 0 or are blank.
How do I create a formula that disregards 0 and blank cells?

Also, the 150 is the number of rows with actual values greater than 0.
Ctrl Shift Enter

replace the range accordingly
Ctrl Shift Enter

replace the range accordingly
Thank you WMF. Here is the next dependent formula based on the results:


I get the same #DIV/0! problem. Should I use IFERROR here too? If so how or what would be your solution? Thanks.
Hi westend9876,

If it worked the first time, give it a try
