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Presenting Multiple data in single table or chart


New Member

A first time user, however a very long time subscriber of your website. I need an advise.

How do i present multiple students performance data with multiple scenario. For Eg.

Student Month English Maths Science

AAA April 85 92 60

BBB April 85 77 89

AAA May 100 87 77

BBB May 78 78 55

Pls help

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

What about a Pivot Table?

You may need to rearrange the data first
Good day reena

You do not actually say what it is you want to present? is students percentage score by month or by date or by name or by subject or by???

Hui has pointed the way with pivot and if you are using 2010 you could use slicers