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Prepay and automatic updating


Looking for a solution. I have clients who prepay for treatments. I want to record their prepayment and then have the workbook update the values. In the example workbook that I have included, I created two worksheets; 'Prepaid' which lists the amount they have prepaid and 'treatment' sheet which reflects the balance they have left. Here is what I would like to accomplish, when I enter a patients name in column B the treatment amount is entered into column C, and the balance is reflected in column D. The 'prepaid' sheet would also adjust and reflect the prepaid balance. Lastly, conditional formatting applied to signify when patient has a zero balance. I've included a sample workbook. Thank you.


  • prepay.xlsx
    31.6 KB · Views: 4
Hope you need like this.


Looking for a solution. I have clients who prepay for treatments. I want to record their prepayment and then have the workbook update the values. In the example workbook that I have included, I created two worksheets; 'Prepaid' which lists the amount they have prepaid and 'treatment' sheet which reflects the balance they have left. Here is what I would like to accomplish, when I enter a patients name in column B the treatment amount is entered into column C, and the balance is reflected in column D. The 'prepaid' sheet would also adjust and reflect the prepaid balance. Lastly, conditional formatting applied to signify when patient has a zero balance. I've included a sample workbook. Thank you.


  • prepay.xlsx
    10.9 KB · Views: 17
This is great. Is it possible to have the pre-payment associated with the date they prepaid. This way the pre-payment doesn't affect earlier treatments/entries. Thanks