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Pop-up Form Referencing (and Recording) in Different Worksheet


New Member
I have a fairly complex Excel (14.1.4) Workbook that has multiple interrelated sheets.

I would like to build a pop-up form that references fields from (and records data to) a different sheet.

So, here's an example:

Worksheet 1: Includes list of expenses by type (i.e., Travel, Dining, etc.)

Worksheet 2: Includes a "Total Expenses" column, which would be entered by date.

SCENARIO: User opens Worksheet 2 to enter "Total Expenses" for the day. They click on today's field (say, "B2") next to "today's" date, and get a pop-up form of the expenses from Worksheet 1 (Travel, Dining, etc.). User enters the data using the pop-up form, and the TOTAL is retained in B2, while specific type data (i.e., Travel, Dining) is stored back in Worksheet 1.

Is that possible?

Thanks in advance.

Welcome Scott!

What you're requesting is certainly possible. I would recommend starting here:


to get a good idea about building user forms and having the data copied into a specific worksheet, in order. The next thing I see needing to be done is getting the TOTAL input into the correct cell. However, if the user is selecting the cell where the total needs to go, that makes things easier. The code for Userform could then reference the ActiveCell as the place to store the total value.

As coding for UserForms can become very workbook specific, I'm afraid that's as much guidance as I can give for now w/o seeing the actual workbook. Hope that gets you started on the right path.
Luke, as I'm not a programmer, I'm having trouble getting my head around this. Do you provide a service where you can assist in custom Excel programming?

I'm afraid I don't, but I know a fellow user, SirJB7 might be interested. He lists his email in this thread:


Another forum ninja is Narayank991. His email is listed here:


@SirJB7 & Narayank, if you see this.

I hope the two of you do not mind me referring Scott to you. Please let me know if you do.
@Luke M


No problem at all.




Feel free to email me with your requirements, but I suggest you to start a topic in this forums too so as to let all the community know about your issue and then you'd have more chances to get it solved and in many different ways: there is the bonus, you'll be able to choose which one is more suitable for you and in the meanwhile you'll be learning without nearly any effort.


PS: Being this forums part of a website with a wider scope than "Ask an Excel question", I feel ethically obliged to suggest you to firstly contact Chandoo at this link:


Note the fourth paragraph in particular.

Despite of that and as I wrote at the beginning, feel free to email me with exposing your problem. Thank you.