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Please help!!!


I have a list of employees, whom I have to audit on a daily basis. I also have their weekly schedule.


If I choose an employee from the list, I need to get a pop showing whether the employee is present or not. Or is there is a better way to display this information?
Good day prazad82

Where do you get the data from thats says an employee has logged on, do they use the same workbook or is the data pulled form external sources
Weekly schedule will be decided already before the start of the week. So I will be having the schedule in my tracker, in a different sheet. I update my audit tracker on a different sheet by randomly choosing the employee names. Now when I do this, I need to get a pop-up kind of info that says whether the employee is there or not, as per the weekly schedule.

Thanks for your help!
Hello T100,

It is not linked to any electronic system. The tracker I am using has a sheet that contains the employee schedule for the current week. So based on the current week schedule, I will have to match today's date to see if that employee is present.

Let me know, if you need further clarification.
Good day prazad82

I think both myself and T100 are wondering just how you know they are present..where do you get this information from. If it is in the spread sheet who inputs it?

If it is external where does it come from how is it input


If I didn't understand wrongly information is not inputted into the first spreadsheet as it's still there, so when prazad82 said "whether the employee is present or not" I think he should have said "whether the employee should be present or not".

As far as I got the auditory consists in entering or generating automatically random numbers into the second spreadsheet (somehow giving a link to an employee) and check who "should" be present and not who "is actually" present.


Hi, prazad82!

Would you please confirm us or clarify these points?

I think the assumption is: If the employee is scheduled to work that day, it is assumed he IS there. Not that he logs in somewhere and this status is somehow transferred to Excel. Given this assumption, if he is in fact absent when scheduled to work, Excel will still report that he is present.
Hi prazad82,

Possibilities are there that I did not correctly understood your requirement, but if I did, what you want to achieve is when you select an employee from the list (say you do this on Sheet1, Cell A1), you want to know whether that employee is “Present” or not according to the Weekly Schedule that you have with you (the Weekly Schedule may be in Sheet2 in the same workbook or in a different file). This has nothing to do with whether the employee is physically present in the office or not.

If this is what you want to do, no worries it is very simple, and keeping it simple won’t give you any pop-up kind of thing, but the info you will get may be in an adjacent cell(say on Sheet1, in cell B1). Even a pop-up is possible with a little work with VBA, which all the masters above can help you with.

Please let us know if this goes with your requirement.


Dear Sir

I have a library book list in the excel.

as and when new edition comeout (regarding of my books list) i want to email alert.

I want to keep update my library list.

kindly help me in this regards

Good day VKUMAR

You will get next to no response to your post if you hi-jack someone ones post and bury you post in theirs.

Start your own and give it a useful and clear title.There are many who could help but some of the members have specialty in Excel and will be able to tell more from the title as to whether they can help
Hello Guys, I apologize for the delay as I was travelling and did not had network connectivity.

Let's come to the point.

I am sorry for all the confusion.

"Phuzzy" and "XLinXL" are right in getting my point. Can you help me proceed further in getting those results.
Thank you Narayan.

Here is a sample file. Let me know if this is sufficient.


Hi, prazad82!

Try this in cell F5 of worksheet Tracker:

=TEXTO(INDICE(Schedule!B$3:BF$301;COINCIDIR(D5;Schedule!B$3:B$301;0);COINCIDIR(Tracker!A5;Schedule!B$3:BF$3;0));"hh:mm")&"-"&TEXTO(INDICE(Schedule!B$3:BF$301;COINCIDIR(D5;Schedule!B$3:B$301;0);COINCIDIR(Tracker!A5;Schedule!B$3:BF$3;0)+1);"hh:mm") -----> in english: =TEXT(INDEX(Schedule!B$3:BF$301,MATCH(D5,Schedule!B$3:B$301,0),MATCH(Tracker!A5,Schedule!B$3:BF$3,0)),"hh:mm")&"-"&TEXT(INDEX(Schedule!B$3:BF$301,MATCH(D5,Schedule!B$3:B$301,0),MATCH(Tracker!A5,Schedule!B$3:BF$3,0)+1),"hh:mm")

Adjust ranges of Schedule references as required, and copy down as needed.

You are Awesome! Thank you so much. I will work some conditional formatting to make this suitable for me.

Seriously, I never thought there is a possibility! Thank you once again :)
Hi, prazad82!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
